Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Last Post (For Now)

   I am, in fact, wrapping up this blog. Maybe not permanently, but at least for the time being. The "why" is simple. After going over past posts, a pattern has emerged. That pattern shows me I've been teeing off on 3 main topics lately. They are (in no particular order) religion, Kim Jung Un and the Kardashians.
   While I've had a lot of fun skewering all 3 at length, I find there is increasingly less and less to say about them. Which might be for the best. The big problem is I seem to have run out of anything remotely new or interesting to say about this and/or other topics. I also find I have less and less time to devote to this page, which sort of goes hand in glove with the first problem.
   So, after a grand total of 447 posts over the past few years, it's time to quit. As I indicated in the title, this is not a final good-bye, but rather "farewell". Like the old James Bond movie title "Never say never".
   To all my followers, I say "thank you". And who knows. I might pop in from time to time if anything I feel is urgent or pressing, outrageous or whatever turns up.
   Until the next time:
   'Nuff said.

Monday, October 5, 2015

It's Been A Long Time

   For which I apologize. It has been a long, long time since I turned my attention to this blog, something I'll work to address in the future.
   In my last post, I think I indicated I was having trouble posting images here, due to the switch to windows 10. I have yet to get that corrected, but I'll soldier on.
   There are a couple of things on the Ratbag radar today, starting with an old favorite, misbehaving priests. Seems one was fired recently after he "came out". This guy apparently worked at the Vatican in the doctrinal area. But he wasn't fired for being gay (what a shock!), but rather for bringing the topic of same-sex partnerships up ahead of a major event discussing families.. Here I though priests were supposed to give up the "pleasures of the flesh" when they took their vows or whatever. Oh, yeah,. Silly me. That doesn't seem to stop them preying on parishioners, especially young kids.
   Which brings me to another priest. And I'll be fair to this guy by saying he's not in deep shit for being a kiddie diddler. He did something just a bit more outrageous than that. He pointed a functioning musket at the head of an 8 year old boy. Why? What happened? Did they get in a fight about football? Actually, yeah. They did. Seems the priest is a New York Giants fan, the kid roots for the Dallas Cowboys. No word if the gun was loaded, but still! Anyway, buddy faces charges, which he has pleaded not guilty to.
   Finally, it seems conservation officers in Victoria, B.C subdued a cougar that was spotted around town. Of the 4-legged variety. It was tranquillized and shipped out of town. If it'd been the 2-legged kind of cougar, it would likely have been seen in the bar district, and officers would've used a Mojito or 2 to tranquillize her..
   For now:
   'Nuff said.

Friday, August 28, 2015

More Random Shit Friday Stuff

   And thanks to my Windows 10 upgrade, I (at least for now) can't post images here. When I get things figured out, I will. But for now, I'll just soldier on.
   First: Ashley Madison. You no doubt know all about the hack attack on the hook-up site that says "Life is short, have an affair". I know life is short, but having an affair and then having my wife find out about it would drastically shorten it even more. So, no. I was not caught up in the whole affair (pardon the play on words). Do I feel sorry for those who were caught up in the hack? Not really, no. Sure, it sucks to get found out, but to go on-line to "do it"? These days, that's just asking for trouble. So, no. I didn't sign up for Ashley Madison. Nor do I have an account on any website that could get me in trouble. Shit, I don't really like shopping on-line, but there are things that I have no choice but to get via the internet, simply due to geography and availability.
   Moving on: The McWhopper. There'd been word McDonalds and Burger King were going to hook up and make such a monstrosity. I just shudder to think what the result might have tasted like. A "flame-broiled" burger with Rotten Ronnies "secret sauce"? Easy stomach, don't roll over now. Fortunately, it ain't gonna happen. Much to the delight of a lot of people, although there is a not insignificant portion of the population who would actually like to try it.
   Moving on: Stevie Ray Vaughn. As hard as it is to imagine, it's been 25 years since his death in a helicopter crash in Wisconsin. He was (and in my mind remains) one of the pre-eminent guitar players of all time. Right up there with the likes of the late B.B King, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendricks and Jimmy Page. He was one of the "new generation" of blues players, yet still remained rooted in deep Chicago and Southern blues. Sadly, with the deaths of so many of the "old" blues guitarists, that genre or music is now in decline. Hopefully, there's another SRV in the wings.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Random Shit Friday

   Yeah, again I'm just gonna string some shit together for today's post. And we'll start with my favorite tin-pot dictator, "lil" Kim Jung Un (aka: Sum Dum Fuk).
   North Korea's favorite son has decided his country needs to keep it's own time. So, he's decreed all clocks will be set 30 minutes earlier to avoid "wicked imperialism" of places like South Korea and Japan, which his country currently shares a time zone with. And why not? His country's already about 30 years in the past, so I guess another half hour ain't gonna make much difference.
   Moving on: A young woman wanting to hand a petition to Peru's Prime Minister took the "get to the choppa" phrase a little too figuratively. The 20 year old wanted to hand a letter to the P.M about her jailed brother. So, she decided to slip past security and try to button-hole the guy as his helicopter landed. Just one hitch. As she was walking up to greet him she ran face-first into the rear rotor and was decapitated. But apparently the government isn't all cruel. They'll pay the cost of her funeral.
   Moving on: This is far and away my favorite photograph so far this year:
   Pope Frankie was at some youth function (I believe was), when he encountered this woman. I don't know who she is, nor do I much care. But you just gotta wonder what was going through Frankie's mind. My guess is "I must remember to give a blessing to the..HOLY FUCK!! Look at the size of those tits!" At least the young lady is getting her points across. I guess it was cold wherever they were. Either that or she was excited to meet Frank. I just hope he wasn't getting excited about the generous jugs she presented him. "Is that a cross in your cassock, or are you happy to see me?" Tits okay. She's chest what he's looking for. And a fuckin' good look he got too! I've heard staring at a woman's boobs adds 5 years to your life. From the look on Frankie's face, I'd say he's added about 30. Mind you, when I first saw this it took me a few minutes to realize the pope was even IN the picture!!
   Have a great weekend.
   'Nuff said

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

This Is Making News?

   It's sure been all over the 'net. After 40 years, Piggy and Kermit are "done". Why is this making news? There's still problems in the fight against ISIL, oil prices are in the shitter. Weather's causing havoc in many areas of the world. And THIS makes the news feed?
   What was the problem? Piggy wouldn't pork anymore? She's makin' bacon with someone else? Maybe Kermit's been hopping on someone else's "lily pad" (wink, wink). Maybe she's tired of the green weenie.
   But seriously, why? It's not like they're real. Someone's got their fist shoved up their "asses" and moving their "mouths", while someone else talks for them?
   Hey! Wait a second. They may be real after all. Someone up their ass, while someone pulls their strings and mouths their words? Holy shit! If that's the case, maybe they're fucking politicians! I mean, there is a campaign on here in Canada.
   And I'm starting to see some resemblances here too. Piggy sorta looks like Green Party leader Elizabeth May. I guess that makes Kermit Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe. I mean, they're both.....well, you know.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Race Is On

   And the finish line is 11 weeks away. We knew we were going to the polls in October, and conservative party prime minister Stephen Harper decided to give us an extra long campaign before voting day on the 19th of that month. Traditionally, election campaigns are 37 days. And the campaign costs taxpayers 375 MILLION dollars. With the run-up for this vote 11 weeks, fuck only knows how extra much it'll cost. I've heard anywhere between another 300 to 400 million.
   Thank you Stephen Hitler (or is it Adolph Harper) for wasting our tax dollars on an extra 6 weeks. That means 6 more weeks of bullshit propaganda from the government on how wonderful they are. How they've safeguarded the economy (hard to believe when the campaign could cost us 750 million fucking dollars), and what they claim they'll do once re-elected.
   Not that the opposition parties are any fucking better. On the one side, for the Liberals, you've got Justin Trudeau, who's main claim to fame is his daddy, who was P.M back in the day. The Trudeau name is still mud in many parts of Canada after Pierre Elliot brought in wage and price controls, the National Energy Program and other wonderful shit. My poor dad worked for the feds for 36 years, and when he retired, he got a certificate thanking him. Signed by P.E Trudeau (with an autopen). My old man nearly burst a fucking blood vessel. He was NOT a Trudeau fan.
   Then, there's Tom Mulcair, with the New Democratic Party. I don't know a whole lot about him, and I thinks I'd prefer keeping it that way. He's too smooth, if you know what I mean. Not exactly oily. Just too smooth.
  I digress. Bottom line is we're in for 11 weeks of being inundated about how shitty the other leaders are, and how only their party is right for Canada. I've already had 2 annoyance calls. Luckily, they're machines and don't immediately start squawking. I just hang the phone up.
   But when I get a live candidate, well, that's when the fun begins! I almost pity whoever the poor fucker is calling me, begging for my vote. No, I don't.
   There are some people who welcomed the end of the parliamentary session here over the weekend. 3 Tory and a Liberal senator. They've been suspended, but once the session ended, they start getting their big, fat, taxpayer funded paycheques again. One even gets all the benefits that go along with the cushy job back.
   Yeah, I know. We live in a democracy bought and paid for by the sacrifices of those who fought and died in wars for us. So yes, I will get out and vote. It's just going to take an awful lot of convincing by any of the parties to vote for their candidate.
   Sorry if this turned into a rant.
   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Kanye West.....A Rant

   First, an apology. If I come off sounding like a crusty old fuck who doesn't understand today's "music", it's because I AM a crusty old fuck, and I don't give a rat's ass about today's so-called "music"   Mr. West was back to his douchey self this past weekend. He was invited (although I can't for the life of me figure out why) to 'perform' at the closing ceremonies of the Pan-Am Games in Toronto. And in true fashion, he threw a hissy when there was a technical glitch or 2. Not only did he throw a hissy, he threw the offending mic 40 feet into the air. And stomped off stage.
   A truly classless act by a truly classless person.
   I can understand (sort of) why organizers would try and get a rap 'star' to perform. To get the younger crowd into the whole affair. But given West's history of douchery, you wonder why? Or better, why HIM? Surely there are other rap 'stars' who were available. Possibly even a Canadian one.
   As for the "music", well..the less said about that the better. To my vastly untrained ear, all rap sounds the same. Violent, women-hating, profane bullshit. Maybe when it first got started as a genre of music it was different.
   Shit! I sound like my old man and his views on the I was listening to. Stuff like Zeppelin, Floyd, Santana and Sabbath. The only difference (and here comes the crusty old fuck again) is music by the above noted groups is still viable today. It isn't dated. Rap 'music', on the other hand, doesn't seem to last much past 6 months after it was released.
   As for West, o-kay. I get the fact you were upset the mic was malfunctioning. It's happened to a lot better singers and groups than you can ever hope to be. Throwing a temper tantrum during an international broadcast and stomping off stage proves to me, and an awful lot of people, that you are an asshole of the first degree who needs to cling on to your she-whale of a wife's star to keep yours burning.
   So, Kimye (as I understand you're called collectively) please feel free to drop off the face of the earth.
   But then again, I'm a crusty old fuck who doesn't understand, or want to, today's 'music'.
   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Wait! That Wasn't The Umbilical Cord!

   It seems medical students in Mexico had better go back to basic anatomy class after this. A newborn baby boy had part of his penis cut off by bungling medical students who mistook it for the umbilical cord. It gets worse, if that's possible. Seems doctors tried to 'hush things up' afterward, and told Dad it was a "minor accident". They did sew it back on, but in doing so caused even more injuries to the little tykes 'little tyke'.
   Mom and Dad are both pissed, and with reason, wanting to know why there was no gynecologist for the delivery, and why students were left in charge?
   For that matter, I've got a couple of questions myself. How the fuck do you mistake an umbilical cord for a penis? One runs from the mother to the kids abdomen, the other does not. And unless the umbilical cord was very short, and the kid had a gigantic dick, the difference should be plain to see. Shit! I'm no doctor and even I know the difference.
   I'm just glad the managed to re-attach the organ so the poor kid won't go off half-cocked the rest of his life.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Random Shit Friday

   The title says it all, folks. I'm just throwing some random shit on here to see what sticks. And we'll start with the worlds largest fast-food chain:
   Yup! Rotten Ronnies. Seems down State-side McD's is shrinking, even if the poor fuckers who eat their food aren't. Ron's is shuttering several restaurants, closing more than they open this year. A spokesperson says the closures will be "minimal". And while exact figures haven't been released, the chain plans on cutting 700 worldwide. And I gotta agree! Do we really need a Golden Arches every mile or so? Are people getting so fucking fat they can't even DRIVE the extra distance? O-kay. That was a stupid question. Of course they can't.
   Still with fast food: Seem Burger King's at it again in Japan. They came out with an all-black burger not long ago. Black bun, cheese and burger. Now, they're going Red. It's called the Aka Samurai Burger. Aka means 'red' in Japanese apparently. And, you guessed it, it's a red bun, red cheese and a tomato just because they can. It's supposed to be spicy. And if beef ain't your thing, the same concoction will be offered in chicken.

   Moving on: Donald Trump for President. Bwa-haw-haw-haw! It's sad, but true. The Donald has thrown his hat (and comb-over) into the race for the Republican nomination, and has tapped Oprah fucking Winfrey as VEEP. I'm glad I live in Canada! Oh, wait a sec. That's right! We've got Stephen Prime Minister. Speaking of politicians, yet another Canadian member of the unelected Senate is in deep shit. Not for dipping into the public purse, but for (allegedly) dipping into an underage 16 year old girl. Although she says there was no in-out till she was 18. Not that it matters.

   Moving on again: Pope Frankie is calling on world leaders to do something to protect the environment, and save our ruined planet. Frank says we must fix the "perverse economy". Sure thing Frankie, sure thing. By the way, when are YOU going to do something about the perverted priesthood and save those ruined by them?
   I'm waiting.
   'Nuff said

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The "New" Top Gear? Not For Me

   Months after Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson was shit-canned, the BBC has announced his 'replacement'. Chris Evans was featured on the show a few times, and is admittedly a car fanatic. But he doesn't have the charisma Clarkson had (despite his foibles), and I don't think he's got what it takes to be able to carry what was the world's most popular car show. And it was THE most popular motoring show "in the world", as Clarkson would put it. It was also the most popular BBC show, with 350 million viewers.
   But naming Evans as the new host is just one of the many problems the once storied franchise faces. Also gone are his side-kicks, James "Captain Slow" May and Richard "Hamster" Hammond. At least according to reports I've seen. Just who's been tapped to replace them has not yet been announced. But whoever the 'new crew' turn out to be, I, among millions of others, will NOT be watching when the show re-launches.
   The "why" is simple. After more than 20 years, the trio above built up a rapport between themselves, and with the audience. They also built up a trust, if you will, with viewers. That's something the new hosts will probably never be able to do.
   Don't get me wrong. Top Gear is far from being put in "park". There's still a lot of mileage left in the show. But without Clarkson, Hammond and May it may soon be running on empty.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Oh Shit, They're Breeding Again

   Sad to report this, but Kim Lardasian is carrying another spawn of Kanye West. And, surprise, surprise, she made the announcement on the mid-season finale of their "reality" show. Ratings were that bad Kim? And what're you going to call this one? Her first brat is "North West". What're they gonna call this one. South? I just hope the 'mother ship' returns to take Kimye and the rest of that gang back to the planet Kardash.
   Speaking of the unspeakable family, I also see Bruce Jenner has picked a name for when he crosses over to become 'she': Caitlyn. At least he/she's spelling it with a "C", rather than a "K"..
   The only reason I know about this shit is from listening to one of my local radio stations. But also after hearing them drone on and on about this, I might just switch stations.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"You're Fired"

   Yep! 'Lil Kim's at it again. Kim Jong Un (aka Sum Dum Fuk) has had another member of his inner circle executed. This time, it's the Chief of Defence. What'd this guy do? Fall asleep while the Great Successor was at the same event as him?
   Actually, yeah. The latest victim of a purge by 'Lil Kim not only nodded off, but was accused of treason, and disobeying the little Fuk. I dunno how many of his inner circle the little ass-wipe has had offed, but it's gotta be getting near 20. At this rate, 'Lil Kim's not gonna have an inner circle. Not that they have much choice but to accept a position offered by him. It's either that, or the firing squad.
   Which is exactly what happened to the now departed Hyon Yong Chol. But it wasn't your traditional firing squad of 5 or 6 guys with rifles. Oh, no. 'Lil Kim stood him up at a range, and used a fucking anti-aircraft gun to get the job done!
   Much as I wish this idiot would shuffle off this mortal coil, I do have to give him some style points on this one. A fucking anti-aircraft gun!
   'Nuff said.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Finally! The Long Nightmare Is Ending

   Has it really been 15 years? It seems like a fuck of a lot longer than that. Either way, American Idol is going to milk the already dry cow one final season, then GOODBYE FOREVER!!!!! We hope. It's true. FOX says their flagship show, which has been sinking in the ratings the past few years, is going off the air at the end of the 2016 season.
   I freely admit to this: I did watch season 2, but then it just turned into karaoke night in America with a seemingly endless stream of medium talent "singers" parading one after the other after the other, and I rapidly lost interest. In fact, I can only name 3 winners: Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Ruben Studdard. And of the 3, the only one to achieve superstardom was Underwood.
   A lot of people will say the downward slide started when Simon Cowell left. Or Paula Abdul. I can't remember who left first. Not that it mattered, anyway. As I said, it deteriorated to the point where (for me the 3rd season) it got unwatchable.
   So, goodbye American Idol. Now if we could just get rid of Survivor, Big Brother and The Voice. TV might become watchable again.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Wanna See Something Creepy?

   There it is. That's McDonald's new take on the Hamburglar. Yep! After 13 years in mascot limbo, Rotten Ronnies has brought him back. But not as the almost likable character of decades ago:
   No. This new, real life incarnation is supposed to represent the "suburban dad", and will promote the chain's new 1/3lb sirloin burger. Sorry McD's, but he looks like a potential pedophile on the loose. Either that, or a rejected villain from the old Batman TV series in the '60's.
   Whoever they have for an ad agency, and what made them think this is going to fly must be fucked in the head. Maybe they'd better call Officer Big Mac out of retirement to shoot the son of a bitch. Or at least taser the fucker. The character looks that fuckin' creepy.
   I don't know how many millions Ron's blew on this, and all for a sirloin burger, but I doubt they're gonna get their money's worth out of it.
   Maybe they should've put the cash into some serious R and D to make their McGarbage food actually taste good.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

'Lil Kim Is Pissed

   North Korea's Kim Jung Un, aka Sum Dum Fuk, apparently was very pissed with 15 members of his inner circle. So pissed, in fact, he had them executed. South Korea's spy agency says it stems from their challenging Kim's authority. One had the audacity to complain about state policy, and it seems 4 others, members of the state orchestra where 'Lil Kim's wife performed as a singer were also shot.
   Makes you wonder if they were complaining Kimmy's Mrs sounded like Yoko Ono. As for the others, you kinda wonder if they were offed after spilling the beans about Kim 'climbing' the highest peak in the North (see post below).
   Whatever the case, if old numbnuts keeps killing his own people, he'll be the "great successor" to fuck all.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, April 20, 2015

'Lil Kim Climbs A Biiiig Mountain

   Kim Jun Un (aka Sum Dum Fuk) this past weekend, according to North Korean media (who credit for the above photo's must go), along with a team of air force fighter pilots, "climbed" the highest mountain in the North. That'd be the 9 thousand foot  Mt. Paektu, a volcano that straddles their border with China.
   You can't see the support team in the above photos, but there were literally dozens of them. And that helped further smash my image of Kim.
   I mean, here I was thinking 'lil Kim bravely fought the elements as he pushed onward, steadily onward striving for his goal. The "great" successor also, at first blush, must've made the ascent wearing his Sunday best. I can see him now, doggedly placing one foot in front of the other, heedless of the 2 or 3 inches of snow gripping his heels, making him want to give up the quest.
   But no! Not Kim. He persevered, and with one last great push, made his way into the Sikorsky sky-crane helicopter used to boost his fat ass to the summit. I'm sure the wind blowing through his hair on the photo on the left was created by the down-blast of the rotors.
   But seriously, does anyone in North Korea believe this horse-shit? I don't think Kim's capable of waddling up a garden path, let alone climb a mountain. Even with dozens of people shoving that lard-bottom upward.
   It's just too fucking bad they didn't leave the little asshole up there.
   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I Hope Not

   To a foreigner, any other country's money looks odd. Especially to an American coming to Canada. We have multi-coloured polymer notes ranging from 5 to 100 bucks, and each with a different colour, background and foreground. In fact, the mint not too long ago rolled out the 5 dollar bill
   Just recently, the mint also did away with the penny, something I fully support. But now there's word the newly updated and released 5-spot could also be pulled from the market in favour of a 5 dollar coin
   Something I don't think I'm in favour of. We already have 1 and 2 dollar coins

   Along with the nickel, dime and quarter. How fucking much change do we need bogging us down? And how big would women's purses need to be to haul that around? I guess the only possible benefit would be weight training.
   And what about the 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollar notes? How big would these be? The size of manhole covers?!? Stay with the bill, and don't saddle us with another coin.
   Not that it would make much difference to me. I never carry cash.
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

   To all my "peeps", Happy Easter!
   And honestly, I haven't forgotten about you all, I've been excessively busy, and haven't really had the time to post much the past few weeks. Keep checking in, though. I'm hoping work backs off a bit, and I'll be able to have more for you.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Why The Hell Not

   Zombeavers. A movie I must admit I might watch. And, yes, the 'stars' are beavers. Ones that were infected when a semi hauling toxic shit hit a tree, and a couple of canisters ended up in a beaver dam. And started to leak. The rest, well, you can sorta figure it out yourself.
   Without spoiling the ""plot", I will say the beavers get infected, and morph into the critter above. With the predictable result of a manic feeding frenzy on the human 'stars' of the flick. Suffice it to say (from what I've been able to glean from sources) it's a gore-fest (also with boobies thrown in for 'titillation', almost obligatory in zombie flicks).
   Apparently, this was released last year, but only March 20th in the States, and is also apparently already on DVD.
   I just wonder if a n alternate title was "Gnaws".
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Where's My Library Card?

   Seems a woman who was making use of the Windsor, Ontario library system has been fired. Was she stealing books? No. Was she not showing up for work. No. Was she using a web-camera to show her tits and masturbate? Actually, yes. She was.
   Seems the woman, in her '20's, was fired by the web-cam company for violating the rules. Namely for "actions that may be deemed obscene in your community". Cops say the woman would film her escapades on her own laptop, but would cover up when anyone walked by. And it's not just the library, either. Seems she also "performed" (sometimes using sex toys) in a Tim Hortons. Talk about a double-double!
   The as-yet unidentified woman will be caught, according to police, because she is "clearly visible in the videos." Thanks for that stellar deduction Captain Obvious. If she's 'doing the solo dirty' on camera, it's clear her face will be visible. If anyone was looking that far up.
   The strange thing is, no one in the library complained. I guess she was being quiet about it.
   I'd like to know what the title of these "performances" were. Debbie does the Dewey Decimal System? Interesting books I've come across?. I also wonder if/when she's arrested she'll come quietly.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Hello Handsome!!!

   You have got to love the new look Sum Dum Fuk (or Kim Jung Un) is sporting these days. I'm especially impressed with the eye-brow wax job he got. North Korea's tin-pot dictator also looks like he's been packing on the pounds, while his countrymen starve. Pretty much typical for 'Lil Kim and his family.
   I don't know where he got the haircut from, but I hope HE wanted it that way. If his barber gave it to him without permission, said barber likely was fed to the same dogs 'Lil Kim will be woofing down at his next meal. It's almost like the bowl slipped while the clippers were running. And those fucking eyebrows. 'Nuff said about them.
   The hair almost looks like he stuck his tiny dick in an electrical socket. Or was scared shitless by his advisors when they told him what the USA and allies had pointed at him if he ever dared loose off a nuke. I'll admit, I'm not exactly the picture postcard of sartorial splendor myself, but JEEZ!!!
   You know what he reminds me of? One of those fucking troll dolls from the 1960's
   Except no where near as good looking.
   'Nuff said

Monday, February 9, 2015

Who The Fuck Is Kanye West, And Why Should We Care?

   I avoided watching the Grammys last night, but I couldn't help but hear on my local radio station all about the latest Kanye West fiasco. Not for the first time this no-class rap 'music' "star" bust on stage during the event to whine, bitch and moan about Beyoncé not taking "Album of the Year" honors.
   Kanye: She ain't your wife, so leave it alone. If your own 'career' has taken such a nose dive that you A: Feel the need to disrupt the proceedings, and B: Need to latch on to your own wife (Kim Lardashian's) star just to stay in the public eye, maybe it's time to retire.
   After all, rap is nothing more than the musical equivalent of projectile vomiting AND explosive diarrhea combined. And if you were a real "star", you wouldn't feel the need to kick up a fuss in the first place.
   Grow up, jackass.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

"The Final Doom"

   That's what 'Lil Kim (or Kim Jung Un aka Sum Dum Fuk) is forecasting for the U.S. Again. In fact, the little Fuk has gone so far as to say America will face cyber and nuclear attacks. But why? What's got his diarrhea-filled diaper twisted this time? Oh, it's over talks that have broken down between the U.S and his tin-pot dictatorship-ruled country. Talks that 'Lil Kim broke off himself.
   And why? Why break off the dialog with the States anyway?? All they were trying to do was re-start stalled 6-nation talks on de-nuclearisation. It's not like the North was trying to restart their nuke program. Oh, yeah. Apparently, they were.
   Anyway, Fuk's 'official' media are printing shit like "since the gangster-like US imperialists are blaring that they will 'bring down' the DPRK, the army and people of North Korea cannot but officially notify the Obama administration that the DPRK has neither need nor willingness to sit at negotiating table with the US any longer", and that  the North was capable of bringing about the "final ruin of the US" with its "precision and diversified nuclear striking means."
   I'm thinking 'Lil Kim may get one shot, as it were, before the U.S responds. And if this little puss filled bubo actually launches a nuke, well, there might be something like this in Sum Dum Fuk's future. Not that it'd be a great loss
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Oh, Please!!

   Yep! Justin Bieber's at it again. So, what did the 20 year old punk-ass do this time? Piss in a restaurant kitchen? No. Get slapped by Orlando Bloom again? No, not that either. So what did he do, anyway?
   Apparently, he APOLOGIZED! The little scuzz-ball has released a video, where he claims his "acting out" over the past 18 months or so was to "cover up" his real feelings. Cough (bullshit) cough! He went on to 'explain' that his acting as a class-1 asshole was a defence mechanism, to against growing up in the public eye, and isn't a true reflection of who he is.
   Again, cough (bullshit) cough. I think it's due to the fact that he's pissed his way through most of his bankroll, and needs to get back in the good graces with his teeny-bopper fans to bilk them out of more of mommy and daddy's hard earned cash.
   It's said a leopard can't change his spots. In this case, I just don't believe Beebs can change. At least, not until he's back in the news for something else.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Shot Down

   U.S retail giant Target stores opened in Canada just about 2 years ago. Today, the company announced all 133 will be closed, since they don't expect to turn a profit until 2021. And not too many people will be crying over this either. Target set themselves up for a fall when they moved here. It seems they didn't do their homework when it came to Canadians and how they shopped. It is different than Americans.
   Then, there's location, location, location. They took over Zellers stores which, by themselves, were not the best. I know of at least one store that needed massive renovations before Target could open. And in a lot of markets, Zellers was on it's deathbed. But Target did nothing to improve what had happened with Zellers. Shelves were bare, what was on the shelves was not competitively priced with their main rival Walmart, nor even with the U.S stores. And customer service was a joke. Is it any wonder they failed so epically?
   Even now that they're heading back south of the 49th, the closure is going to cost Target dearly. Shutting down those expensively purchased locations will be done under court supervision. The company expects to lose 500 to 600 MILLION dollars shutting things up. And that includes severance for the nearly 18 thousand employees. They'll be getting 16 weeks salary as compensation.
   Now the big question is who is going to take over the stores? I think we can safely rule out a return of Zellers (even though I liked the food they served in their restaurants). In fact, I don't see any big box company on the horizon willing to take the same risk Target did and move in to the vacated stores.
   I guess Target's aim was off. They sure missed the bull's-eye.
   'Nuff said

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What A Joke

   That about sums things up in this country when it comes to the Youth Criminal Justice Act. And it's unequal for the victims of crime committed by young offenders (to be hereon known in this post as Little Criminal Bastards, or LCB's).
   The media is prohibited from naming LCB's, which the act declares as persons under the age of majority (18). It also has less harsh penalties for LCB's (example: 3 years maximum for murder, depending on circumstances) than anyone over 18. And if an LCB does commit a crime, but is tried and sentenced after 18, the name still can't be released.
   I bring this up, because I heard on the news today that two 16 year old boys were arrested for killing a 16 year old girl in Western Canada, and charged with 1st degree murder. Which the LCB's will likely have reduced to 2nd degree, and plead out to manslaughter. Meaning before they're 20, they'll be back on the street, likely doing more crime.
   The Youth Criminal Justice Act serves no one but convicted young offenders, because they know they can get away with just about anything without paying any real consequences. It's time our politicians stopped mollycoddling these LCB's, and quit giving them a slap on the wrist and a stern "don't do it again" before they get out and do it again. What's needed here is for our lawmakers to grow a set, and crack down on LCB's. I agree that you can't put them in an "adult" prison, but there's no reason why Jimmy or Judy can't be held in a juvenile jail till they turn 18 and can be slapped in with the big boys and girls. And while we're at it M.P's, how about re-instating the Death Penalty for capital crimes?
   Yeah, like any of this is going to happen any time.
   'Nuff said

Friday, January 9, 2015

A Tragic Week In Paris

  As you probably already know, at least 20 people have been killed after terror attacks at a French satirical weekly newspaper office, and a kosher market in Paris.
   It started Wednesday, when 12 people were ruthlessly gunned down at the office of Charlie Hebdo, and a policewoman was killed in another part of that city. Today, the 3 alleged gunmen were themselves killed by police in 2 separate raids, but not before 4 more innocents were slain by the hostage taker in the Paris market, apparently well before the whole thing ended.
   The catalyst for all this was a cartoon purporting to denigrate the prophet Muhammad. Actually, one of several published by the magazine, which was firebombed in 2011. 2 of the terrorists were brothers who were killed when police raided a printing business outside the French capital. They told authorities they wanted to "die as martyr's". The 3rd asshole said he'd kill his hostages inside the market if police tried to raid the first location. He's dead too.
   As for the first 2, you achieved one goal. You died. As martyrs? No. No 72 virgins for either of you. Or the one in the market. You didn't die as martyrs. You died as what you were in life. Useless pieces of shit.
   Of course, we now have to wait for the likely back-lash from this, where innocent Muslims are targeted just because they're Muslim. Followers of Islam that I'm friendly with are the first to condemn such atrocities. They say people like the 3 in Paris are not true followers, and should not be called Muslim. Unfortunately, it seems most of the terror attacks we hear about are done by people proclaiming to follow Islam.
   All this shit makes me glad I'm an atheist.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

   We are off on our journey down 2015! I hope you all had a pleasant, peaceful New Years Eve. I know I did. I was in bed, sleeping by 10:00 last night, and did not ring in the new year.
   Truth be told, I haven't bothered to ring in the new year in about a decade. Why? 2 reasons. I'm not a 'party' person, and secondly, I just don't give a shit. Not that I'm anti-social, I simply don't care.
   If you are one of the many millions of people other than me who dies enjoy s good New Years Eve bash:  I hope it was a success.
   Now (if you imbibed a little too much) get some aspirin, and nurse that hang-over.
   'Nuff said.