Friday, January 9, 2015

A Tragic Week In Paris

  As you probably already know, at least 20 people have been killed after terror attacks at a French satirical weekly newspaper office, and a kosher market in Paris.
   It started Wednesday, when 12 people were ruthlessly gunned down at the office of Charlie Hebdo, and a policewoman was killed in another part of that city. Today, the 3 alleged gunmen were themselves killed by police in 2 separate raids, but not before 4 more innocents were slain by the hostage taker in the Paris market, apparently well before the whole thing ended.
   The catalyst for all this was a cartoon purporting to denigrate the prophet Muhammad. Actually, one of several published by the magazine, which was firebombed in 2011. 2 of the terrorists were brothers who were killed when police raided a printing business outside the French capital. They told authorities they wanted to "die as martyr's". The 3rd asshole said he'd kill his hostages inside the market if police tried to raid the first location. He's dead too.
   As for the first 2, you achieved one goal. You died. As martyrs? No. No 72 virgins for either of you. Or the one in the market. You didn't die as martyrs. You died as what you were in life. Useless pieces of shit.
   Of course, we now have to wait for the likely back-lash from this, where innocent Muslims are targeted just because they're Muslim. Followers of Islam that I'm friendly with are the first to condemn such atrocities. They say people like the 3 in Paris are not true followers, and should not be called Muslim. Unfortunately, it seems most of the terror attacks we hear about are done by people proclaiming to follow Islam.
   All this shit makes me glad I'm an atheist.
   'Nuff said.

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