Monday, October 5, 2015

It's Been A Long Time

   For which I apologize. It has been a long, long time since I turned my attention to this blog, something I'll work to address in the future.
   In my last post, I think I indicated I was having trouble posting images here, due to the switch to windows 10. I have yet to get that corrected, but I'll soldier on.
   There are a couple of things on the Ratbag radar today, starting with an old favorite, misbehaving priests. Seems one was fired recently after he "came out". This guy apparently worked at the Vatican in the doctrinal area. But he wasn't fired for being gay (what a shock!), but rather for bringing the topic of same-sex partnerships up ahead of a major event discussing families.. Here I though priests were supposed to give up the "pleasures of the flesh" when they took their vows or whatever. Oh, yeah,. Silly me. That doesn't seem to stop them preying on parishioners, especially young kids.
   Which brings me to another priest. And I'll be fair to this guy by saying he's not in deep shit for being a kiddie diddler. He did something just a bit more outrageous than that. He pointed a functioning musket at the head of an 8 year old boy. Why? What happened? Did they get in a fight about football? Actually, yeah. They did. Seems the priest is a New York Giants fan, the kid roots for the Dallas Cowboys. No word if the gun was loaded, but still! Anyway, buddy faces charges, which he has pleaded not guilty to.
   Finally, it seems conservation officers in Victoria, B.C subdued a cougar that was spotted around town. Of the 4-legged variety. It was tranquillized and shipped out of town. If it'd been the 2-legged kind of cougar, it would likely have been seen in the bar district, and officers would've used a Mojito or 2 to tranquillize her..
   For now:
   'Nuff said.

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