Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Wait! That Wasn't The Umbilical Cord!

   It seems medical students in Mexico had better go back to basic anatomy class after this. A newborn baby boy had part of his penis cut off by bungling medical students who mistook it for the umbilical cord. It gets worse, if that's possible. Seems doctors tried to 'hush things up' afterward, and told Dad it was a "minor accident". They did sew it back on, but in doing so caused even more injuries to the little tykes 'little tyke'.
   Mom and Dad are both pissed, and with reason, wanting to know why there was no gynecologist for the delivery, and why students were left in charge?
   For that matter, I've got a couple of questions myself. How the fuck do you mistake an umbilical cord for a penis? One runs from the mother to the kids abdomen, the other does not. And unless the umbilical cord was very short, and the kid had a gigantic dick, the difference should be plain to see. Shit! I'm no doctor and even I know the difference.
   I'm just glad the managed to re-attach the organ so the poor kid won't go off half-cocked the rest of his life.
   'Nuff said.

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