Wednesday, April 29, 2015

'Lil Kim Is Pissed

   North Korea's Kim Jung Un, aka Sum Dum Fuk, apparently was very pissed with 15 members of his inner circle. So pissed, in fact, he had them executed. South Korea's spy agency says it stems from their challenging Kim's authority. One had the audacity to complain about state policy, and it seems 4 others, members of the state orchestra where 'Lil Kim's wife performed as a singer were also shot.
   Makes you wonder if they were complaining Kimmy's Mrs sounded like Yoko Ono. As for the others, you kinda wonder if they were offed after spilling the beans about Kim 'climbing' the highest peak in the North (see post below).
   Whatever the case, if old numbnuts keeps killing his own people, he'll be the "great successor" to fuck all.
   'Nuff said.

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