Friday, August 28, 2015

More Random Shit Friday Stuff

   And thanks to my Windows 10 upgrade, I (at least for now) can't post images here. When I get things figured out, I will. But for now, I'll just soldier on.
   First: Ashley Madison. You no doubt know all about the hack attack on the hook-up site that says "Life is short, have an affair". I know life is short, but having an affair and then having my wife find out about it would drastically shorten it even more. So, no. I was not caught up in the whole affair (pardon the play on words). Do I feel sorry for those who were caught up in the hack? Not really, no. Sure, it sucks to get found out, but to go on-line to "do it"? These days, that's just asking for trouble. So, no. I didn't sign up for Ashley Madison. Nor do I have an account on any website that could get me in trouble. Shit, I don't really like shopping on-line, but there are things that I have no choice but to get via the internet, simply due to geography and availability.
   Moving on: The McWhopper. There'd been word McDonalds and Burger King were going to hook up and make such a monstrosity. I just shudder to think what the result might have tasted like. A "flame-broiled" burger with Rotten Ronnies "secret sauce"? Easy stomach, don't roll over now. Fortunately, it ain't gonna happen. Much to the delight of a lot of people, although there is a not insignificant portion of the population who would actually like to try it.
   Moving on: Stevie Ray Vaughn. As hard as it is to imagine, it's been 25 years since his death in a helicopter crash in Wisconsin. He was (and in my mind remains) one of the pre-eminent guitar players of all time. Right up there with the likes of the late B.B King, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendricks and Jimmy Page. He was one of the "new generation" of blues players, yet still remained rooted in deep Chicago and Southern blues. Sadly, with the deaths of so many of the "old" blues guitarists, that genre or music is now in decline. Hopefully, there's another SRV in the wings.
   'Nuff said.

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