Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What A Joke

   That about sums things up in this country when it comes to the Youth Criminal Justice Act. And it's unequal for the victims of crime committed by young offenders (to be hereon known in this post as Little Criminal Bastards, or LCB's).
   The media is prohibited from naming LCB's, which the act declares as persons under the age of majority (18). It also has less harsh penalties for LCB's (example: 3 years maximum for murder, depending on circumstances) than anyone over 18. And if an LCB does commit a crime, but is tried and sentenced after 18, the name still can't be released.
   I bring this up, because I heard on the news today that two 16 year old boys were arrested for killing a 16 year old girl in Western Canada, and charged with 1st degree murder. Which the LCB's will likely have reduced to 2nd degree, and plead out to manslaughter. Meaning before they're 20, they'll be back on the street, likely doing more crime.
   The Youth Criminal Justice Act serves no one but convicted young offenders, because they know they can get away with just about anything without paying any real consequences. It's time our politicians stopped mollycoddling these LCB's, and quit giving them a slap on the wrist and a stern "don't do it again" before they get out and do it again. What's needed here is for our lawmakers to grow a set, and crack down on LCB's. I agree that you can't put them in an "adult" prison, but there's no reason why Jimmy or Judy can't be held in a juvenile jail till they turn 18 and can be slapped in with the big boys and girls. And while we're at it M.P's, how about re-instating the Death Penalty for capital crimes?
   Yeah, like any of this is going to happen any time.
   'Nuff said

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