Monday, June 1, 2015

Oh Shit, They're Breeding Again

   Sad to report this, but Kim Lardasian is carrying another spawn of Kanye West. And, surprise, surprise, she made the announcement on the mid-season finale of their "reality" show. Ratings were that bad Kim? And what're you going to call this one? Her first brat is "North West". What're they gonna call this one. South? I just hope the 'mother ship' returns to take Kimye and the rest of that gang back to the planet Kardash.
   Speaking of the unspeakable family, I also see Bruce Jenner has picked a name for when he crosses over to become 'she': Caitlyn. At least he/she's spelling it with a "C", rather than a "K"..
   The only reason I know about this shit is from listening to one of my local radio stations. But also after hearing them drone on and on about this, I might just switch stations.
   'Nuff said.

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