Friday, June 19, 2015

Random Shit Friday

   The title says it all, folks. I'm just throwing some random shit on here to see what sticks. And we'll start with the worlds largest fast-food chain:
   Yup! Rotten Ronnies. Seems down State-side McD's is shrinking, even if the poor fuckers who eat their food aren't. Ron's is shuttering several restaurants, closing more than they open this year. A spokesperson says the closures will be "minimal". And while exact figures haven't been released, the chain plans on cutting 700 worldwide. And I gotta agree! Do we really need a Golden Arches every mile or so? Are people getting so fucking fat they can't even DRIVE the extra distance? O-kay. That was a stupid question. Of course they can't.
   Still with fast food: Seem Burger King's at it again in Japan. They came out with an all-black burger not long ago. Black bun, cheese and burger. Now, they're going Red. It's called the Aka Samurai Burger. Aka means 'red' in Japanese apparently. And, you guessed it, it's a red bun, red cheese and a tomato just because they can. It's supposed to be spicy. And if beef ain't your thing, the same concoction will be offered in chicken.

   Moving on: Donald Trump for President. Bwa-haw-haw-haw! It's sad, but true. The Donald has thrown his hat (and comb-over) into the race for the Republican nomination, and has tapped Oprah fucking Winfrey as VEEP. I'm glad I live in Canada! Oh, wait a sec. That's right! We've got Stephen Prime Minister. Speaking of politicians, yet another Canadian member of the unelected Senate is in deep shit. Not for dipping into the public purse, but for (allegedly) dipping into an underage 16 year old girl. Although she says there was no in-out till she was 18. Not that it matters.

   Moving on again: Pope Frankie is calling on world leaders to do something to protect the environment, and save our ruined planet. Frank says we must fix the "perverse economy". Sure thing Frankie, sure thing. By the way, when are YOU going to do something about the perverted priesthood and save those ruined by them?
   I'm waiting.
   'Nuff said

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