Thursday, January 29, 2015

Oh, Please!!

   Yep! Justin Bieber's at it again. So, what did the 20 year old punk-ass do this time? Piss in a restaurant kitchen? No. Get slapped by Orlando Bloom again? No, not that either. So what did he do, anyway?
   Apparently, he APOLOGIZED! The little scuzz-ball has released a video, where he claims his "acting out" over the past 18 months or so was to "cover up" his real feelings. Cough (bullshit) cough! He went on to 'explain' that his acting as a class-1 asshole was a defence mechanism, to against growing up in the public eye, and isn't a true reflection of who he is.
   Again, cough (bullshit) cough. I think it's due to the fact that he's pissed his way through most of his bankroll, and needs to get back in the good graces with his teeny-bopper fans to bilk them out of more of mommy and daddy's hard earned cash.
   It's said a leopard can't change his spots. In this case, I just don't believe Beebs can change. At least, not until he's back in the news for something else.
   'Nuff said.

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