Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Why The Hell Not

   Zombeavers. A movie I must admit I might watch. And, yes, the 'stars' are beavers. Ones that were infected when a semi hauling toxic shit hit a tree, and a couple of canisters ended up in a beaver dam. And started to leak. The rest, well, you can sorta figure it out yourself.
   Without spoiling the ""plot", I will say the beavers get infected, and morph into the critter above. With the predictable result of a manic feeding frenzy on the human 'stars' of the flick. Suffice it to say (from what I've been able to glean from sources) it's a gore-fest (also with boobies thrown in for 'titillation', almost obligatory in zombie flicks).
   Apparently, this was released last year, but only March 20th in the States, and is also apparently already on DVD.
   I just wonder if a n alternate title was "Gnaws".
   'Nuff said.

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