Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Last Post (For Now)

   I am, in fact, wrapping up this blog. Maybe not permanently, but at least for the time being. The "why" is simple. After going over past posts, a pattern has emerged. That pattern shows me I've been teeing off on 3 main topics lately. They are (in no particular order) religion, Kim Jung Un and the Kardashians.
   While I've had a lot of fun skewering all 3 at length, I find there is increasingly less and less to say about them. Which might be for the best. The big problem is I seem to have run out of anything remotely new or interesting to say about this and/or other topics. I also find I have less and less time to devote to this page, which sort of goes hand in glove with the first problem.
   So, after a grand total of 447 posts over the past few years, it's time to quit. As I indicated in the title, this is not a final good-bye, but rather "farewell". Like the old James Bond movie title "Never say never".
   To all my followers, I say "thank you". And who knows. I might pop in from time to time if anything I feel is urgent or pressing, outrageous or whatever turns up.
   Until the next time:
   'Nuff said.

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