Monday, April 20, 2015

'Lil Kim Climbs A Biiiig Mountain

   Kim Jun Un (aka Sum Dum Fuk) this past weekend, according to North Korean media (who credit for the above photo's must go), along with a team of air force fighter pilots, "climbed" the highest mountain in the North. That'd be the 9 thousand foot  Mt. Paektu, a volcano that straddles their border with China.
   You can't see the support team in the above photos, but there were literally dozens of them. And that helped further smash my image of Kim.
   I mean, here I was thinking 'lil Kim bravely fought the elements as he pushed onward, steadily onward striving for his goal. The "great" successor also, at first blush, must've made the ascent wearing his Sunday best. I can see him now, doggedly placing one foot in front of the other, heedless of the 2 or 3 inches of snow gripping his heels, making him want to give up the quest.
   But no! Not Kim. He persevered, and with one last great push, made his way into the Sikorsky sky-crane helicopter used to boost his fat ass to the summit. I'm sure the wind blowing through his hair on the photo on the left was created by the down-blast of the rotors.
   But seriously, does anyone in North Korea believe this horse-shit? I don't think Kim's capable of waddling up a garden path, let alone climb a mountain. Even with dozens of people shoving that lard-bottom upward.
   It's just too fucking bad they didn't leave the little asshole up there.
   'Nuff said.

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