Monday, August 3, 2015

The Race Is On

   And the finish line is 11 weeks away. We knew we were going to the polls in October, and conservative party prime minister Stephen Harper decided to give us an extra long campaign before voting day on the 19th of that month. Traditionally, election campaigns are 37 days. And the campaign costs taxpayers 375 MILLION dollars. With the run-up for this vote 11 weeks, fuck only knows how extra much it'll cost. I've heard anywhere between another 300 to 400 million.
   Thank you Stephen Hitler (or is it Adolph Harper) for wasting our tax dollars on an extra 6 weeks. That means 6 more weeks of bullshit propaganda from the government on how wonderful they are. How they've safeguarded the economy (hard to believe when the campaign could cost us 750 million fucking dollars), and what they claim they'll do once re-elected.
   Not that the opposition parties are any fucking better. On the one side, for the Liberals, you've got Justin Trudeau, who's main claim to fame is his daddy, who was P.M back in the day. The Trudeau name is still mud in many parts of Canada after Pierre Elliot brought in wage and price controls, the National Energy Program and other wonderful shit. My poor dad worked for the feds for 36 years, and when he retired, he got a certificate thanking him. Signed by P.E Trudeau (with an autopen). My old man nearly burst a fucking blood vessel. He was NOT a Trudeau fan.
   Then, there's Tom Mulcair, with the New Democratic Party. I don't know a whole lot about him, and I thinks I'd prefer keeping it that way. He's too smooth, if you know what I mean. Not exactly oily. Just too smooth.
  I digress. Bottom line is we're in for 11 weeks of being inundated about how shitty the other leaders are, and how only their party is right for Canada. I've already had 2 annoyance calls. Luckily, they're machines and don't immediately start squawking. I just hang the phone up.
   But when I get a live candidate, well, that's when the fun begins! I almost pity whoever the poor fucker is calling me, begging for my vote. No, I don't.
   There are some people who welcomed the end of the parliamentary session here over the weekend. 3 Tory and a Liberal senator. They've been suspended, but once the session ended, they start getting their big, fat, taxpayer funded paycheques again. One even gets all the benefits that go along with the cushy job back.
   Yeah, I know. We live in a democracy bought and paid for by the sacrifices of those who fought and died in wars for us. So yes, I will get out and vote. It's just going to take an awful lot of convincing by any of the parties to vote for their candidate.
   Sorry if this turned into a rant.
   'Nuff said.

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