Wednesday, August 5, 2015

This Is Making News?

   It's sure been all over the 'net. After 40 years, Piggy and Kermit are "done". Why is this making news? There's still problems in the fight against ISIL, oil prices are in the shitter. Weather's causing havoc in many areas of the world. And THIS makes the news feed?
   What was the problem? Piggy wouldn't pork anymore? She's makin' bacon with someone else? Maybe Kermit's been hopping on someone else's "lily pad" (wink, wink). Maybe she's tired of the green weenie.
   But seriously, why? It's not like they're real. Someone's got their fist shoved up their "asses" and moving their "mouths", while someone else talks for them?
   Hey! Wait a second. They may be real after all. Someone up their ass, while someone pulls their strings and mouths their words? Holy shit! If that's the case, maybe they're fucking politicians! I mean, there is a campaign on here in Canada.
   And I'm starting to see some resemblances here too. Piggy sorta looks like Green Party leader Elizabeth May. I guess that makes Kermit Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe. I mean, they're both.....well, you know.
   'Nuff said.

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