Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I Hope Not

   To a foreigner, any other country's money looks odd. Especially to an American coming to Canada. We have multi-coloured polymer notes ranging from 5 to 100 bucks, and each with a different colour, background and foreground. In fact, the mint not too long ago rolled out the 5 dollar bill
   Just recently, the mint also did away with the penny, something I fully support. But now there's word the newly updated and released 5-spot could also be pulled from the market in favour of a 5 dollar coin
   Something I don't think I'm in favour of. We already have 1 and 2 dollar coins

   Along with the nickel, dime and quarter. How fucking much change do we need bogging us down? And how big would women's purses need to be to haul that around? I guess the only possible benefit would be weight training.
   And what about the 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollar notes? How big would these be? The size of manhole covers?!? Stay with the bill, and don't saddle us with another coin.
   Not that it would make much difference to me. I never carry cash.
   'Nuff said.

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