Monday, February 9, 2015

Who The Fuck Is Kanye West, And Why Should We Care?

   I avoided watching the Grammys last night, but I couldn't help but hear on my local radio station all about the latest Kanye West fiasco. Not for the first time this no-class rap 'music' "star" bust on stage during the event to whine, bitch and moan about Beyoncé not taking "Album of the Year" honors.
   Kanye: She ain't your wife, so leave it alone. If your own 'career' has taken such a nose dive that you A: Feel the need to disrupt the proceedings, and B: Need to latch on to your own wife (Kim Lardashian's) star just to stay in the public eye, maybe it's time to retire.
   After all, rap is nothing more than the musical equivalent of projectile vomiting AND explosive diarrhea combined. And if you were a real "star", you wouldn't feel the need to kick up a fuss in the first place.
   Grow up, jackass.
   'Nuff said.

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