Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Kanye West.....A Rant

   First, an apology. If I come off sounding like a crusty old fuck who doesn't understand today's "music", it's because I AM a crusty old fuck, and I don't give a rat's ass about today's so-called "music"   Mr. West was back to his douchey self this past weekend. He was invited (although I can't for the life of me figure out why) to 'perform' at the closing ceremonies of the Pan-Am Games in Toronto. And in true fashion, he threw a hissy when there was a technical glitch or 2. Not only did he throw a hissy, he threw the offending mic 40 feet into the air. And stomped off stage.
   A truly classless act by a truly classless person.
   I can understand (sort of) why organizers would try and get a rap 'star' to perform. To get the younger crowd into the whole affair. But given West's history of douchery, you wonder why? Or better, why HIM? Surely there are other rap 'stars' who were available. Possibly even a Canadian one.
   As for the "music", well..the less said about that the better. To my vastly untrained ear, all rap sounds the same. Violent, women-hating, profane bullshit. Maybe when it first got started as a genre of music it was different.
   Shit! I sound like my old man and his views on the I was listening to. Stuff like Zeppelin, Floyd, Santana and Sabbath. The only difference (and here comes the crusty old fuck again) is music by the above noted groups is still viable today. It isn't dated. Rap 'music', on the other hand, doesn't seem to last much past 6 months after it was released.
   As for West, o-kay. I get the fact you were upset the mic was malfunctioning. It's happened to a lot better singers and groups than you can ever hope to be. Throwing a temper tantrum during an international broadcast and stomping off stage proves to me, and an awful lot of people, that you are an asshole of the first degree who needs to cling on to your she-whale of a wife's star to keep yours burning.
   So, Kimye (as I understand you're called collectively) please feel free to drop off the face of the earth.
   But then again, I'm a crusty old fuck who doesn't understand, or want to, today's 'music'.
   'Nuff said.

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