Monday, January 30, 2012

Guilty! Now Throw Them Out!

   If you're not a news junkie like I am, or if you don't live in Canada, then this might not pique your interest. In Canada, this was a huge case and has sparked outrage at the family involved.. and it has to do with "honor" killing. The Shafia family came to our country from Afghanistan, and 3 members..the father, his 2nd wife and a son..have been convicted of killing his 3 daughters and first wife back in the fall of 2009. Their bodies were found in a car submerged in a canal in Kingston, Ontario, and the whole thing was allegedly staged to look lie an accident.
   Why? Well, the crown alleged three teenage Shafia sisters were killed after bringing shame upon the family by dating, shunning traditional religious garb and skipping school. The fourth victim, the family patriarch's first wife in a polygamous marriage, allegedly endured years of abuse and feared for her life in the weeks before she died. Even Muslims were outraged by the crime, and rightly so because it casts another gloomy light on a religion already tarnished by 911 etc.
   The 3 accused were found guilty of 4 counts EACH of first degree murder, for which the penalty in Canada is life with no parole for 25 years. The sentences will likely be served concurrently, not consecutively.
   Not that it makes a whole lot of difference, since taxpayers will be stuck with the bill for their incarceration. Not to mention feeding and clothing them, and health care. We wouldn't want them to die prematurely, would we. (Sorry, you'll just have to imagine the sarcasm there. It doesn't translate well on a computer screen.)
   And since some estimates put a yearly pricetag of up to 90 thousand dollars on their stay in jail..well, you do the math.
   That's why I believe these fuckers should be put on the next plane back to Afghanistan and left to rot in some jail there. And since Canada unfortunately doesn't have capital punishment, we can at least hope they'll get some "jailhouse justice" in the pen.
   'Nuff said.

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