Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Anniversary Egypt!

   Hard as it is to believe, but it's been a year since the popular uprising that saw the downfall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak started. The protest, or revolution depending on what side you're on, lasted 18 days and saw mass demonstrations in Cairo's Tahrir Square. It also saw people get killed fighting for what they had hoped for at the time was a taste of freedom after years of a dictatorial oppression.
   In the year that's followed there have been free elections, and a new parliament has started meeting. But just how long it will be free is a matter for debate.
   The Muslim Brotherhood and even more extremist Islamists have won the majority of seats. But right now, it doesn't matter because to a large extent the military is still in control. People flocking into the square today to mark the anniversary had their I.D checked and were searched by the Brotherhood. It would seem to me, at least right now, that all the Egyptians have done is traded the devil they knew for the devil they don't. Of course, the devil is in the details. Even still, there were moderates in the square calling for an end to the military rule.
   But the fear is out there that Egypt has already started the slippery slide down toward becoming a conservative Islamic state.
   I hope for the people of Egypt that does not happen, but it very much Inshalla. Pardon the poor alliteration.
   'Nuff said.

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