Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome To Hell

   And not the pretend, fairy tale hell the religitards go on about either. You know, the one with the lake of fire and little monkey-like dudes jabbing pitchforks into your ass? No. This is the real deal. The real hell where you are tortured, at least until you die. I'm talking about the hell that lives in all of us. The one that makes the pretend hell seem preferable.
   Before I go further, the genesis of this goes back to yesterdays post when I talked about needing to delete old facebook entries when the new Timeline hits January 31st. And why I, and I'm sure a lot of you, would like to be able to delete files from our memory. The ones that keep giving us hell.
   I'm talking about actions we took earlier in life that now, years later, you finally realize are reprehensible. The ones that knowingly hurt family, friends and even perfect strangers. The ones you know you can NEVER tell anyone about because you know it will get back to the person you hurt, making them either start hating you or hating you more. That hell.
   And don't try and hide the fact that you haven't done something in your past that you've lived to regret. Maybe not regret on a daily basis, but the one you keep buried deep down inside, trying, unsuccessfully, to deny it happened.
   And no one is immune either. Not the pope, certainly not any political leader, no teacher or mentor, not even mother Teresa.
   Maybe, just maybe, a very young child is guiltless, but only until pressure from parents, peers and others make it "do the deed". The one they, like you and me, will carry to the grave hoping no one finds out. Take a long look in the mirror. You'll see I'm right.
   So, welcome to Hell. Population: You.
   'Nuff said.

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