Sunday, January 1, 2012

A 6 Letter Word

   No, it's not a Wheel of Fortune puzzle, and in fact just 5 letters make up the word. It's also one word students at a Michigan University say should be cut from the lexicon of the English language. It's also the word that polarized the 99% and the 1% this year. Yup! The word is "Occupy". The word also came to symbolize what many people feel about the generation known as "Millennial". That they have no work ethic, are lazy and expect everything to be handed them on a silver plate. The survey says it's overused, abused, cliched and should "occupy" a trash bin.
   But it's not the number one overused word of the year, which I find amazing! Actually, "Amazing" WAS the number 1 word. Participants said the word cropped up in every 'reality' show, and even newscasts at least 2 times every 5 minutes. what I find amazing (sorry) is that someone actually counted how often it was used.
   Other words or phrases the students say should be cut include "baby bump", describing a pregnant woman. And I couldn't agree more. "Mancave" was also on the list. Ironically, I'm sitting in mine as I keyboard this entry.
   And with this being an election year in the U.S, some are also calling for the removal of phrases expected to dominate news stories in the next 11 months. "Win for the future" and "Ginormus", a smushing together of Gigantic and Enormous just to name 2.
   While we're at it, I've got a few words I'd like to see go away, along with what they represent. They are: Gaga, Lohan, Beiber, and everyone's favorite..Kardashian!
   'Nuff said.

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