Sunday, January 22, 2012

Good For Her!

   You may not have heard the name Laura Dekker before now, but you likely will be hearing, and seeing, more of her in the not too distant future.
   Laura, as many of you know, is the young lady who set off to sail around the world..solo, becoming the youngest to do so by the way. It wasn't a non stop trip. In fact, it was almost a non start trip when Dutch officials tried to block her, saying she was too young to risk her life. And school officials also complained that she should be in class, not on the heaving sea.
   The year long voyage was interrupted several times, as Dekker anchored at several points to make repairs to her boat, the "Guppy" and to allow her to study.
   Still, she sailed 27 thousand miles in the year or so she took for her journey, and what a journey it was! She got to see places most of us will never see. Fiji, Bora Bora, South Africa and Tonga. Not to mention St. Maarten, where her journey started and ended.
   So I say Well Done Laura! You have accomplished at 16 what many, if not most people, never do. Achieve a goal, and conquer a dream!
   Of course, the book and DVD rights will help as well.
   'Nuff said.

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