Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fair's Fair

   Sorry for the lack of activity lately, but whatever bug that bit me bit hard. But I'm back.
   And today I'm going to look at the issue of fairness in schools. It all goes back to a school district in Prince Edward Island where the Big Book Of Thou Shalt Not (the bible) has been passed out to kids for decades. Not catholic schools either, but those in the public system. Seems a parent got pissed after his kid was handed one recently, even though he had the option of having his kid opt out but simply signing a form. He didn't, his kid got the bible, and now he wants to see the program scrapped.
   A lot of people are saying tough shit! You had the option of signing the form at the start of the year, and didn't. Now, you're bitching about it. And yeah, that's true. He probably should have inked the paper like a good monkey, and saved a lot of grief for himself and others. But, no. He wants the entire program scrapped. Just him, no one else, just one guy. At least vocally.
   So, here's where the issue of fairness comes into play, and why I think buddy's got an argument. Many school systems in Canada, and I'm sure in other countries, have seemed willing to bend over and take it up the ass from militant immigrants who oppose things like christmas pageants and Halloween and have successfully seen those traditional school run programs shut down. I point to the term "Holiday Tree" as a prime example. For the record, NOT ALL IMMIGRANTS feel this way. In fact, I have friends from other countries, cultures and religious beliefs who have no problem with our traditions and holidays. It's a very, VERY slim minority who feel the rest of us should conform to their beliefs. And some school systems, like good little sheep, go along with it so as not to offend anyone's sensibilities.
   That's why our friend in P.E.I has an argument. Not that he's right, cause he didn't sign the form at the start of the school year when he had the chance, but if our society seems willing to suspend other programs because someone complains, why not this one?
   'Nuff said.

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