Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What's In A Name?

   The answer to that depends a lot on just what your name is. Some people are lucky to have a "power name", like Brad Pitt or Donald Trump. Some people have not so powerful names like John Smith or Fred Brown. Some have had stupid names thrust on them like Dick Small. Some celebrity names are very stupid like Tu Morrow or Pilot Inspektor. One of my favorites is Treasure Hunt, although I pity her brother Michael.
   So as you can see, there are valid reasons why someone would want to change their name. Then there's Jeffrey Drew Wilschke. No, that's not what he changed his name to. He changed it to Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop. No bullshit.
   Anyway Mr Bop..Bop..Bop is in trouble with the cops..cops..cops in Wisconsin. Seems someone called about Bop drinking and using drugs at a tennis court. Now, most people wouldn't do this, but police say Bop put his hands in his pockets where he had a concealed weapon. It also seems Jeff, or Beezow, is known to the cops, and was busted last year for carrying a concealed handgun.
   I'm thinking he might wanna go back to his real name if he's convicted and jailed. He might well get a different kind of "Bop" from a fellow inmate.
   'Nuff said

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