Thursday, January 12, 2012


   You've no doubt heard about the desecration of the bodies of dead Taliban fighters in Afghanistan? Supposedly, they were pissed on by 4 U.S Marines, and what a shit storm the video, posted on You Tube, has stirred up. If it turns out to be true, then the men (I won't call them "soldiers") deserve the harshest penalty a military Court Marshal can hand out. Needless to say, Afghan, Taliban and U.S officials are expressing disgust. I am personally also disgusted by what seems to have happened, and feel actions like that are never EVER justified.
   But I'm going to play "Devil's Advocate" for a few minutes. Again, I stress as strongly as I can that I do not condone urinating on or otherwise desecrating a deceased human being, and I am NOT making excuses for the 4, but do we know what may have sparked their actions? Why would they do something so foully disgusting. Something that's drawn world wide condemnation?
   Let's not kid ourselves. Desecrating human remains, especially in war, has been around probably as long as humans have. Don't think for one minute that U.S or other coalition forces that fall into Taliban or Al-Qaeda hands aren't desecrated while they're alive, let alone dead. The same thing was happening on both sides in Vietnam and Korea. Certainly in both World Wars, and some of the actions would likely make anyone vomit.
   For all we know, these Marines may have come across fallen U.S or coalition members who had been cut up and otherwise desecrated by Taliban, Al-Qaeda or other Islamic terrorist pigs. But that does not, and should not, mean its o-kay for them to descend to the same level and piss on their enemies. Alive or dead.
   'Nuff said.

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