Sunday, January 29, 2012


   Rocks and bottles were flying, tear gas and flash grenades were lobbed by police, a public building was broken into, fencing was torn down, 300 people arrested and national flags burnt. No, it wasn't Tahrir Square in Cairo. It wasn't in Syria. It wasn't the East Bank or Gaza. It was Oakland.
   That's where "occupy" protesters continue to run rampant, months after they were finally evicted. Sure, the city used force, and in my mind rightly so. When these so-called protesters got into city hall, they smashed an electrical panel and destroyed art works..including one done by children from recycled material.
   Last week, these so-called "protesters" said they planned on "occupying" a vacant building (also known as "squatting") and turn it into a political hub and social centre. These same assholes also threatened to shut down the port, "occupy" the airport and take over city hall! If that were to happen, and as much as I'm in favor of democracy, then police should move in and use any means needed to get these "people" out.
   When are these parasites going to realize NO ONE CARES about them and their so-called protest? Other than the poor business owners who had to put up with their smelly, crime ridden, drug infested camps? These are the folks who these so-called "protesters" have hurt. Not major corporations or banks. Not multinational firms. No. It's, for the most part, been small independent business owners who have seen the number of customers drop off because of small minded idiots who think they're entitled to something they haven't even begun to work for. Some of these same businesses have had windows smashed or other damage by the "occupy" idiots, meaning they now have to pass on increased costs to us.
   I think it's high time civil disobedience is met with harsh penalties. Maybe any "protester" who get's convicted should have to "occupy" a jail cell for 3 to 5 years.
   Even better, get ALL these losers together and ship them off to some island where they can "occupy" to their hearts content.
   'Nuff said.

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