Tuesday, January 3, 2012

No Surprise Here

   If you're like most of us, every day you trundle off to work for that hard earned dollar that never seems to stretch until your next paycheque. Well, this might piss you off a bit. In Canada, the top 10 CEO's made as much in the first 3 of 4 hours on the job today (the first back from the New Years break) than the majority of us make in an entire year.
   In Canada, that's roughly averaged out to 45 thousand a year. They made it before most of us sat down for our bagged lunch today. The CEO's average pay, using 2010 numbers, was almost 8.4 million. Before perks. That's 189 times what the rest of us make. 189 TIMES. Not that CEO's don't deserve a good wage. I mean, after all they have major corporations to run. But the 8.4 Mil also means they got a 27% pay rise from 2009. Most people don't get 2.7% a year, let alone 27%.
   In fact, regular Canadian's have seen their wages stagnate in the past few years.
   Makes me think the "occupy" idiots might actually be right. Naw, they're not. So for the rest of us, it's lottery tickets and dreaming of the big jackpot that never comes.
   Well, back to the salt mine!
   'Nuff said.

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