Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fuck You Mark Zuckerberg!

   And that's what a lot of people are saying about the changes coming to the vastly popular Facebook social network site. What's got everyone so pissed? It's a little thing called Timeline, and everyone with a Facebook account is getting it. Whether they like it or not. The vast majority fall into the "not" category. So, what? What's Timeline going to do that has a lot of people deciding if they're simply going to delete their account and move to another social networking site? What's the big fucking deal anyway?
   The big deal is this: Timeline will allow anyone to scour your page and read entries, and look at photo's, going back YEARS. It also allows visitors a glimpse at your ENTIRE social networking past. And it starts 5 days from today, January 26. So, a lot of people are digging through their posts, trying to delete items they don't want the world, and prospective employers, to know. It also means a lot of people are looking for that picture of them naked when they were extremely drunk or acting like a complete douche bag at the company party. So, depending on your settings, these black marks on your digital past could allow new followers..including friends or business see a side of you that was better kept tucked away.
   That's the big fucking deal.
   And that's why an awful lot of people are now seriously thinking of saying "Fuck You!" Mark Zuckerberg and ditching or switching.
   Now if you'll excuse me, I think there's a photo or 2 of me I need to get rid of!
   'Nuff said.

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