Monday, January 9, 2012

The End Of The World Is Coming

   Relax. It's not going to be for a while yet. Certainly not December of this year, as some say the Mayan calendar suggests. And certainly not according to 'predictions' made by religious goofballs like Harold Camping and his ilk. No, none of us will need to worry about it. Neither will our kids, grandkids etc. That's because the latest prediction says life on this planet will end in 500,000 to 1,000,000 years. That's 500 MILLION to 1 BILLION.
   Yup! Some brainiac at the University of Victoria says in as little as 499,999 years (give or take a millennium or 3) a runaway greenhouse effect will literally boil the seas off and cook whatever life their still may be. How hot? This guy says up to 1,100 degrees Celsius, meaning our planet will end up something like Venus did a few billion years ago. That's barring an asteroid hitting us, or a global nuclear war. Or an attack from aliens from the planet Skyron in the Andromeda galaxy.
   So I guess I'll still be making payments on my credit card, and there's no point cancelling any vacation plans. At least not for a few years.
   And speaking of Harold Camping, that crusty old fuck will probably still be around in a billion years 'predicting' the end of the world. Probably wrongly again. I'll put my faith in science any day. It seems to me scientists have a much better track record.
   'Nuff said.

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