Friday, January 6, 2012

A New Religion

   It's true! There really IS a new religion out there! It's called "The Church of Kopimism", and it's been formally recognized by the Swedish government. Central to their belief system is that information sharing is holy, and that it's value multiplies when it's shared. Apparently, they hold the keystrokes "CTRL+C and CTRL+V", shortcuts for copying and pasting, as sacred symbols of their religion. At least that's according to the site Mashable.
   The site also says recognition will give the church (Kopimism is derived from the Swedish word for "copy") legal protection and possible access to things like government assisted funding.
   What's not said is if these Kopimists have a god structure or an internet heaven or hell. It's also not know what, if any holy days will be observed. October 29, 1969 saw the first attempt at the precursor for the internet. It was not successful. But would that be their idea of X-Mas? Sorry, must be the disbelieving atheist in me coming out.
   And what about CTRL+ALT+DEL? What does that keystroke combination do? Excommunicate followers who download objectionable material? If it does, it's a big step up on most religions, most notably the catholic church, who seem to turn a blind eye when clergy fuck up. Yeah, I had to get that little dig in.
   At least it seems that this church will not make "predictions" about the "rapture" and bilk followers out of their money.
   'Nuff said.

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