Monday, January 2, 2012

You Can't Blame Him For Trying.....Redux

   Seems a guy in North Carolina was in the local Wally's World and picked up a few items. Vacuum cleaner, microwave. Stuff like that. Total value about 475 bucks. Now, he's in trouble for it. Why? Was he shoplifting? No. Exactly the opposite. He wanted to pay. In fact, he pulled out a one million dollar bill to do just that. And that's when the cops were called because as you know, there is no such thing as a $1,000,000.00 bill.
   In the U.S, the largest bill now circulating is the $100.00. Just a few zero's off from what the guy was trying to pass. The largest bill ever circulated in the States was for $10,000.00..and they were pulled in 1969.
   So now the guy, who's 53, faces several charges and was released on a 17 thousand dollar bond. Still, he's got a pair for even trying to get away with it.
   And with the I.Q some, but a very slight minority, of Walmart's cashiers have, I'm kinda surprised they weren't running from till to till trying to get the guy his change.


   After re-reading this, I've decided I'm a little unfair to Walmart staff. In fact, the majority of idiots are on the OTHER side of the till, along with the guy in this story.
   In Canada, Walmart bought out a chain of stores called Woolco more than 15 years ago and converted them. Woolco stores were the main anchors of a lot of shopping centres, while new Walmart's are stand alone. So I was amused to hear in the check-out line one customer (in a NEW Walmart) ask where the mall entrance was. The cashier had a great sense of humour, and told this person it was right next to the Automotive department. I damn near burst my bladder trying to hold the laughter in.
   A different trip to a Wally's World brought this little gem. Someone in the check-out line tried to redeem Canadian Tire money (Google it yourself), saying the last Walmart took it.
   And if you haven't done so already, Google Walmartians to see what lurks in YOUR local Walmart!
   'Nuff said.

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