Thursday, January 19, 2012

He's In Deep Shit

   Boy, is he ever. I'm talking about Francesco Schettino, the captain of the Costa Concordia..the cruise ship that ran aground off he coast of Italy. But not only the captain. Several members of the crew could be in deep doo-doo too. Why? Because, according to reports out of Italy, they didn't admit the ship ran aground January 13th, but had suffered a 'blackout'. The exchange with port officials supposedly happened 30 minutes AFTER the ship hit the rocks, and spilled onto it's side.
   Now, the good (?) captain claims he "tripped and fell" into a lifeboat during the emergency. No word if he was wearing women's clothes or not. He's blamed for steering the vessel, with 42 hundred on board, into the rocks. Then abandoning ship before the evacuation was finished. At last report, 11 had died and 21 are missing
   There was some interesting audio of a coast guard officer, also a captain, ORDERING Schettino back to his ship. And the exchange went of the a few minutes.
   It's interesting to juxtapose this against another shipwreck that happened 100 years ago in April 1912. Yup! The Titanic. Now granted, captain Smith didn't have the luxury of being close to shore. But he didn't abandon ship, choosing instead to go down with her.
   It'll be interesting to see how history, not to mention a court, judges captain Schettino.
   'Nuff said.

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