Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm As Mad As Hell!

   So what's got me royally pissed off today? Did Timmy's boost the price of a dozen maple glazed? Did my local Sev run out of my favorite fizzy drink? No. The good old catholic church has reared it's ugly head yet again. And it's not the usual story of a kiddie diddling priest. This involves 2 bishops, who have both since resigned.
   The first is in California, where a bishop had a secret family, including 2 teen age kids. Secret's out now. I just hope his local priest wasn't a pedophile. That'd be an interesting report he'd be making to head office. If he'd even bother to report it. By the way, this was in the same diocese that in 2007 paid out 660 MILLION in settlements in abuse cases that went back to the '40's.
   Think that's hard to top? Think again.
   A Canadian bishop got what amounts to a light slap in a different sex scandal. And we're not talking about a slap on his pee-pee with a steel ruler, although that's what he should've got. This amounts to a light slap on the wrist. This guy didn't have a secret family, and he wasn't abusing altar or choir boys. This piece of shit got caught at the Ottawa airport with hundreds of child pornography images on his hand-held device. The electronic type, not the skin one, although I'm sure he was hand holding that one while looking at the pics.
   He pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to 15 MONTHS in jail, plus 2 years probation and other conditions. But because of stupid laws in this country, he got double credit for time served, meaning no more jail time.
   You have got to be fucking kidding. An asshole like this..a member of the catholic fucking clergy..should have been given 15 YEARS in the pen. With NO credit for time served. He's offered to resign, but apparently the pope hasn't responded. Big surprise.
   I believe it's time both the useless church and society stopped being namby-pamby and actually deal effectively with the problem. Harsh jail time for ANY pedophile, and immediate excommunication for priests etc. Yeah. Like anything is going to change. The saddest part of all this is that this will not be the last time I'll be blogging about it.
   'Nuff said

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