Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This May Be A Bit Extreme

   A Canadian Conservative senator is suggesting some of these be put in our prisons. The member of the Red Chamber says putting a rope in prison cells of convicted murderers would let them decide whether or not to hang themselves, cutting down on prison costs.
   The senator suggests the Shafia family, recently convicted on 4 counts of first degree murder (see post below) could cost Canadian taxpayers 10 million bucks. Money he says could be saved if the self hanging option was there. The senator, who's daughter was murdered, also argues the death penalty should be considered in cases where there is no hope of rehabilitation.
   Needless to say, there was a shit-storm on the Hill when this comment came out, and the senator has since apologized.
   This may also sound a little extreme, but you know what? Maybe the senator's on to something. Yes, I know the legal ramifications would prevent having in cell ropes from ever happening, but in my opinion it would also allow these murdering assholes to do something useful for society and take themselves out of it.
   There have been lots of cases where a criminal has hung his or herself using a shirt, sheet, belt and even sometimes underwear.
   And if what I expect to happen happens and this idea..admittedly not going any farther than wishful thinking by some Tory kook, then a least bring back the death penalty and have the State execute murderers etc.
   'Nuff said.

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