Monday, January 30, 2012

Guilty! Now Throw Them Out!

   If you're not a news junkie like I am, or if you don't live in Canada, then this might not pique your interest. In Canada, this was a huge case and has sparked outrage at the family involved.. and it has to do with "honor" killing. The Shafia family came to our country from Afghanistan, and 3 members..the father, his 2nd wife and a son..have been convicted of killing his 3 daughters and first wife back in the fall of 2009. Their bodies were found in a car submerged in a canal in Kingston, Ontario, and the whole thing was allegedly staged to look lie an accident.
   Why? Well, the crown alleged three teenage Shafia sisters were killed after bringing shame upon the family by dating, shunning traditional religious garb and skipping school. The fourth victim, the family patriarch's first wife in a polygamous marriage, allegedly endured years of abuse and feared for her life in the weeks before she died. Even Muslims were outraged by the crime, and rightly so because it casts another gloomy light on a religion already tarnished by 911 etc.
   The 3 accused were found guilty of 4 counts EACH of first degree murder, for which the penalty in Canada is life with no parole for 25 years. The sentences will likely be served concurrently, not consecutively.
   Not that it makes a whole lot of difference, since taxpayers will be stuck with the bill for their incarceration. Not to mention feeding and clothing them, and health care. We wouldn't want them to die prematurely, would we. (Sorry, you'll just have to imagine the sarcasm there. It doesn't translate well on a computer screen.)
   And since some estimates put a yearly pricetag of up to 90 thousand dollars on their stay in jail..well, you do the math.
   That's why I believe these fuckers should be put on the next plane back to Afghanistan and left to rot in some jail there. And since Canada unfortunately doesn't have capital punishment, we can at least hope they'll get some "jailhouse justice" in the pen.
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


   Rocks and bottles were flying, tear gas and flash grenades were lobbed by police, a public building was broken into, fencing was torn down, 300 people arrested and national flags burnt. No, it wasn't Tahrir Square in Cairo. It wasn't in Syria. It wasn't the East Bank or Gaza. It was Oakland.
   That's where "occupy" protesters continue to run rampant, months after they were finally evicted. Sure, the city used force, and in my mind rightly so. When these so-called protesters got into city hall, they smashed an electrical panel and destroyed art works..including one done by children from recycled material.
   Last week, these so-called "protesters" said they planned on "occupying" a vacant building (also known as "squatting") and turn it into a political hub and social centre. These same assholes also threatened to shut down the port, "occupy" the airport and take over city hall! If that were to happen, and as much as I'm in favor of democracy, then police should move in and use any means needed to get these "people" out.
   When are these parasites going to realize NO ONE CARES about them and their so-called protest? Other than the poor business owners who had to put up with their smelly, crime ridden, drug infested camps? These are the folks who these so-called "protesters" have hurt. Not major corporations or banks. Not multinational firms. No. It's, for the most part, been small independent business owners who have seen the number of customers drop off because of small minded idiots who think they're entitled to something they haven't even begun to work for. Some of these same businesses have had windows smashed or other damage by the "occupy" idiots, meaning they now have to pass on increased costs to us.
   I think it's high time civil disobedience is met with harsh penalties. Maybe any "protester" who get's convicted should have to "occupy" a jail cell for 3 to 5 years.
   Even better, get ALL these losers together and ship them off to some island where they can "occupy" to their hearts content.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome To Hell

   And not the pretend, fairy tale hell the religitards go on about either. You know, the one with the lake of fire and little monkey-like dudes jabbing pitchforks into your ass? No. This is the real deal. The real hell where you are tortured, at least until you die. I'm talking about the hell that lives in all of us. The one that makes the pretend hell seem preferable.
   Before I go further, the genesis of this goes back to yesterdays post when I talked about needing to delete old facebook entries when the new Timeline hits January 31st. And why I, and I'm sure a lot of you, would like to be able to delete files from our memory. The ones that keep giving us hell.
   I'm talking about actions we took earlier in life that now, years later, you finally realize are reprehensible. The ones that knowingly hurt family, friends and even perfect strangers. The ones you know you can NEVER tell anyone about because you know it will get back to the person you hurt, making them either start hating you or hating you more. That hell.
   And don't try and hide the fact that you haven't done something in your past that you've lived to regret. Maybe not regret on a daily basis, but the one you keep buried deep down inside, trying, unsuccessfully, to deny it happened.
   And no one is immune either. Not the pope, certainly not any political leader, no teacher or mentor, not even mother Teresa.
   Maybe, just maybe, a very young child is guiltless, but only until pressure from parents, peers and others make it "do the deed". The one they, like you and me, will carry to the grave hoping no one finds out. Take a long look in the mirror. You'll see I'm right.
   So, welcome to Hell. Population: You.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fuck You Mark Zuckerberg!

   And that's what a lot of people are saying about the changes coming to the vastly popular Facebook social network site. What's got everyone so pissed? It's a little thing called Timeline, and everyone with a Facebook account is getting it. Whether they like it or not. The vast majority fall into the "not" category. So, what? What's Timeline going to do that has a lot of people deciding if they're simply going to delete their account and move to another social networking site? What's the big fucking deal anyway?
   The big deal is this: Timeline will allow anyone to scour your page and read entries, and look at photo's, going back YEARS. It also allows visitors a glimpse at your ENTIRE social networking past. And it starts 5 days from today, January 26. So, a lot of people are digging through their posts, trying to delete items they don't want the world, and prospective employers, to know. It also means a lot of people are looking for that picture of them naked when they were extremely drunk or acting like a complete douche bag at the company party. So, depending on your settings, these black marks on your digital past could allow new followers..including friends or business see a side of you that was better kept tucked away.
   That's the big fucking deal.
   And that's why an awful lot of people are now seriously thinking of saying "Fuck You!" Mark Zuckerberg and ditching or switching.
   Now if you'll excuse me, I think there's a photo or 2 of me I need to get rid of!
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy Anniversary Egypt!

   Hard as it is to believe, but it's been a year since the popular uprising that saw the downfall of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak started. The protest, or revolution depending on what side you're on, lasted 18 days and saw mass demonstrations in Cairo's Tahrir Square. It also saw people get killed fighting for what they had hoped for at the time was a taste of freedom after years of a dictatorial oppression.
   In the year that's followed there have been free elections, and a new parliament has started meeting. But just how long it will be free is a matter for debate.
   The Muslim Brotherhood and even more extremist Islamists have won the majority of seats. But right now, it doesn't matter because to a large extent the military is still in control. People flocking into the square today to mark the anniversary had their I.D checked and were searched by the Brotherhood. It would seem to me, at least right now, that all the Egyptians have done is traded the devil they knew for the devil they don't. Of course, the devil is in the details. Even still, there were moderates in the square calling for an end to the military rule.
   But the fear is out there that Egypt has already started the slippery slide down toward becoming a conservative Islamic state.
   I hope for the people of Egypt that does not happen, but it very much Inshalla. Pardon the poor alliteration.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Do You Tip?

   I do, and the amount I leave depends on the food and service. But soon we may have that choice taken away from us. In Toronto, 2 restaurants are adding an AUTOMATIC 20% to a diners bill on hand held electronic terminals. Regardless of whether or not you're happy with the meal and server.
   To be fair, the restaurants, at least right now, are giving customers the option to opt out when they "ok" their bill. But it's far from a new practice. In Vancouver, for example, some eateries added 18% for groups of 8 or more. Needless to say, that went to at least 20% during the olympics.
   And in a true "Fuck You" moment, a couple in the States were ARRESTED for refusing to pay the automatic gratuity because of a poor meal. O-Kay, it amounted to 16 bucks on the bill, and cops did drop the charges, but seriously?
   I am aware of how poorly paid restaurant staff are, and how much some of them rely on a tip at the end of the meal. Hell, in some restaurants a portion of their gratuity goes to kitchen staff and other workers. It's called tip-out I believe.
   To me, this is the thin end of the wedge. and if I ever come across it, I will be sure to tell staff at the place that I will never be back for a meal. and I will also let them know in no uncertain terms that by the time I get word out to my friends etc, NO ONE will darken their doors.
   So, instead of trying back-door shenanigans to grab more of OUR hard earned cash, try this. Good food and friendly, knowledgeable staff. That will ensure you'll get a tip of at least the accepted standard of 15%. And in my case, usually a lot more.
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Good For Her!

   You may not have heard the name Laura Dekker before now, but you likely will be hearing, and seeing, more of her in the not too distant future.
   Laura, as many of you know, is the young lady who set off to sail around the world..solo, becoming the youngest to do so by the way. It wasn't a non stop trip. In fact, it was almost a non start trip when Dutch officials tried to block her, saying she was too young to risk her life. And school officials also complained that she should be in class, not on the heaving sea.
   The year long voyage was interrupted several times, as Dekker anchored at several points to make repairs to her boat, the "Guppy" and to allow her to study.
   Still, she sailed 27 thousand miles in the year or so she took for her journey, and what a journey it was! She got to see places most of us will never see. Fiji, Bora Bora, South Africa and Tonga. Not to mention St. Maarten, where her journey started and ended.
   So I say Well Done Laura! You have accomplished at 16 what many, if not most people, never do. Achieve a goal, and conquer a dream!
   Of course, the book and DVD rights will help as well.
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fair's Fair

   Sorry for the lack of activity lately, but whatever bug that bit me bit hard. But I'm back.
   And today I'm going to look at the issue of fairness in schools. It all goes back to a school district in Prince Edward Island where the Big Book Of Thou Shalt Not (the bible) has been passed out to kids for decades. Not catholic schools either, but those in the public system. Seems a parent got pissed after his kid was handed one recently, even though he had the option of having his kid opt out but simply signing a form. He didn't, his kid got the bible, and now he wants to see the program scrapped.
   A lot of people are saying tough shit! You had the option of signing the form at the start of the year, and didn't. Now, you're bitching about it. And yeah, that's true. He probably should have inked the paper like a good monkey, and saved a lot of grief for himself and others. But, no. He wants the entire program scrapped. Just him, no one else, just one guy. At least vocally.
   So, here's where the issue of fairness comes into play, and why I think buddy's got an argument. Many school systems in Canada, and I'm sure in other countries, have seemed willing to bend over and take it up the ass from militant immigrants who oppose things like christmas pageants and Halloween and have successfully seen those traditional school run programs shut down. I point to the term "Holiday Tree" as a prime example. For the record, NOT ALL IMMIGRANTS feel this way. In fact, I have friends from other countries, cultures and religious beliefs who have no problem with our traditions and holidays. It's a very, VERY slim minority who feel the rest of us should conform to their beliefs. And some school systems, like good little sheep, go along with it so as not to offend anyone's sensibilities.
   That's why our friend in P.E.I has an argument. Not that he's right, cause he didn't sign the form at the start of the school year when he had the chance, but if our society seems willing to suspend other programs because someone complains, why not this one?
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

He's In Deep Shit

   Boy, is he ever. I'm talking about Francesco Schettino, the captain of the Costa Concordia..the cruise ship that ran aground off he coast of Italy. But not only the captain. Several members of the crew could be in deep doo-doo too. Why? Because, according to reports out of Italy, they didn't admit the ship ran aground January 13th, but had suffered a 'blackout'. The exchange with port officials supposedly happened 30 minutes AFTER the ship hit the rocks, and spilled onto it's side.
   Now, the good (?) captain claims he "tripped and fell" into a lifeboat during the emergency. No word if he was wearing women's clothes or not. He's blamed for steering the vessel, with 42 hundred on board, into the rocks. Then abandoning ship before the evacuation was finished. At last report, 11 had died and 21 are missing
   There was some interesting audio of a coast guard officer, also a captain, ORDERING Schettino back to his ship. And the exchange went of the a few minutes.
   It's interesting to juxtapose this against another shipwreck that happened 100 years ago in April 1912. Yup! The Titanic. Now granted, captain Smith didn't have the luxury of being close to shore. But he didn't abandon ship, choosing instead to go down with her.
   It'll be interesting to see how history, not to mention a court, judges captain Schettino.
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

What Some People Will Do For Sex

   It seems some people will go to almost any length to get their end away. For these 3 people, it also means charges, possible fines and perhaps jail time. Our first horn-dog was arrested for armed robbery. No, not a convenience store, drug store or gas station. And he wasn't after cigarettes, cash or drugs.
   A guy in Iowa City, Iowa walked in to the store, pulled out a large knife and demanded...a $250.00 sex doll! Yup! It was an adult entertainment store! The clerk, who wasn't hurt, called the cops from a nearby convenience store. There's no word where the man went with his hot date, Rhonda Rubber Girl, but cops are looking for the lonely Lothario. I just hope he's not allergic to latex (wink, wink).
   Our next 2 people are in Mississippi, and were caught doing the vertical mambo in public. Seems the 55 year old guy and 42 year old woman were doing the dirty deed New Years day. Not only did someone catch the action on a cell-phone camera, but a nearby cop also got an eyeful. And this wasn't at 12:01 a.m on January 1st. It was in broad daylight! Among the charges..public drunkenness and indecent exposure.
   Makes you wonder what the fuck they were all thinking ;)
   'Nuff said.

Friday, January 13, 2012

This Is Why They Call It Dope

   Mmm..burritos! Love them with spicy enchilada sauce and some sour cream. So, what's this got to do with drugs? Other than it's something you might scarf down after getting the munchies.
   Well, it seems an L.A County Sheriff's deputy was trying to smuggle drugs IN to a county courthouse..inside a burrito! He's pleaded not guilty, been relieved of duty without pay and placed on $25 thousand bond. There's no word if it was a hot beef and black bean or a chicken and refried bean burrito.
   In another case of "dope", it seems a 19 year old woman was taking the concept of high heels to the max. Cops say she had 3 pounds of cocaine hidden in her shoes when she went through the airport in Houston on her way to New York from Jamaica. A drug sniffing dog detected something suspicious, and her baggage was searched.
   No word if Fido got a dog-food burrito as a reward!
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


   You've no doubt heard about the desecration of the bodies of dead Taliban fighters in Afghanistan? Supposedly, they were pissed on by 4 U.S Marines, and what a shit storm the video, posted on You Tube, has stirred up. If it turns out to be true, then the men (I won't call them "soldiers") deserve the harshest penalty a military Court Marshal can hand out. Needless to say, Afghan, Taliban and U.S officials are expressing disgust. I am personally also disgusted by what seems to have happened, and feel actions like that are never EVER justified.
   But I'm going to play "Devil's Advocate" for a few minutes. Again, I stress as strongly as I can that I do not condone urinating on or otherwise desecrating a deceased human being, and I am NOT making excuses for the 4, but do we know what may have sparked their actions? Why would they do something so foully disgusting. Something that's drawn world wide condemnation?
   Let's not kid ourselves. Desecrating human remains, especially in war, has been around probably as long as humans have. Don't think for one minute that U.S or other coalition forces that fall into Taliban or Al-Qaeda hands aren't desecrated while they're alive, let alone dead. The same thing was happening on both sides in Vietnam and Korea. Certainly in both World Wars, and some of the actions would likely make anyone vomit.
   For all we know, these Marines may have come across fallen U.S or coalition members who had been cut up and otherwise desecrated by Taliban, Al-Qaeda or other Islamic terrorist pigs. But that does not, and should not, mean its o-kay for them to descend to the same level and piss on their enemies. Alive or dead.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Bitch Won't Be Back

   That's right! Kim Kardashian is being replaced in the upcoming Skechers Shape-Up Super Bowl shoe a 4 legged bitch! This after the 2 legged bitch's ad last year raised a few eyebrows after she was writhing around on the floor in a skimpy outfit before breaking with her trainer in favor of the shoe. That's one Super Bowl ad I'm glad I missed!
    Anyway, the president of Skechers says the move has nothing to do with the Kartrashian's 72 day marriage, but it's simply to "establish Skechers as more than a lifestyle company."
   Apparently, the 2012 ad will feature the dog, the one with 4 legs, wearing their new shoe and racing against a pack of greyhounds.
   And the response to this has been wonderful to say the least. A lot of people feel the dog is more loyal, better trained, more obedient and more hygienic. And probably better looking and a better actor to boot. Plus the dog (the 4-legged one) will work for a lot less.
   The one thing people did seem to be in agreement with is that the pooch and the Kardashian are willing to hump anyone's leg.
   I might just watch this year's ad!
   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What's In A Name?

   The answer to that depends a lot on just what your name is. Some people are lucky to have a "power name", like Brad Pitt or Donald Trump. Some people have not so powerful names like John Smith or Fred Brown. Some have had stupid names thrust on them like Dick Small. Some celebrity names are very stupid like Tu Morrow or Pilot Inspektor. One of my favorites is Treasure Hunt, although I pity her brother Michael.
   So as you can see, there are valid reasons why someone would want to change their name. Then there's Jeffrey Drew Wilschke. No, that's not what he changed his name to. He changed it to Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop. No bullshit.
   Anyway Mr Bop..Bop..Bop is in trouble with the cops..cops..cops in Wisconsin. Seems someone called about Bop drinking and using drugs at a tennis court. Now, most people wouldn't do this, but police say Bop put his hands in his pockets where he had a concealed weapon. It also seems Jeff, or Beezow, is known to the cops, and was busted last year for carrying a concealed handgun.
   I'm thinking he might wanna go back to his real name if he's convicted and jailed. He might well get a different kind of "Bop" from a fellow inmate.
   'Nuff said

Monday, January 9, 2012

The End Of The World Is Coming

   Relax. It's not going to be for a while yet. Certainly not December of this year, as some say the Mayan calendar suggests. And certainly not according to 'predictions' made by religious goofballs like Harold Camping and his ilk. No, none of us will need to worry about it. Neither will our kids, grandkids etc. That's because the latest prediction says life on this planet will end in 500,000 to 1,000,000 years. That's 500 MILLION to 1 BILLION.
   Yup! Some brainiac at the University of Victoria says in as little as 499,999 years (give or take a millennium or 3) a runaway greenhouse effect will literally boil the seas off and cook whatever life their still may be. How hot? This guy says up to 1,100 degrees Celsius, meaning our planet will end up something like Venus did a few billion years ago. That's barring an asteroid hitting us, or a global nuclear war. Or an attack from aliens from the planet Skyron in the Andromeda galaxy.
   So I guess I'll still be making payments on my credit card, and there's no point cancelling any vacation plans. At least not for a few years.
   And speaking of Harold Camping, that crusty old fuck will probably still be around in a billion years 'predicting' the end of the world. Probably wrongly again. I'll put my faith in science any day. It seems to me scientists have a much better track record.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, January 6, 2012

A New Religion

   It's true! There really IS a new religion out there! It's called "The Church of Kopimism", and it's been formally recognized by the Swedish government. Central to their belief system is that information sharing is holy, and that it's value multiplies when it's shared. Apparently, they hold the keystrokes "CTRL+C and CTRL+V", shortcuts for copying and pasting, as sacred symbols of their religion. At least that's according to the site Mashable.
   The site also says recognition will give the church (Kopimism is derived from the Swedish word for "copy") legal protection and possible access to things like government assisted funding.
   What's not said is if these Kopimists have a god structure or an internet heaven or hell. It's also not know what, if any holy days will be observed. October 29, 1969 saw the first attempt at the precursor for the internet. It was not successful. But would that be their idea of X-Mas? Sorry, must be the disbelieving atheist in me coming out.
   And what about CTRL+ALT+DEL? What does that keystroke combination do? Excommunicate followers who download objectionable material? If it does, it's a big step up on most religions, most notably the catholic church, who seem to turn a blind eye when clergy fuck up. Yeah, I had to get that little dig in.
   At least it seems that this church will not make "predictions" about the "rapture" and bilk followers out of their money.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pass The Wasabi, Please

   In Japan, this might not really sound all that crazy. Seems a 590 pound bluefin tuna, sushi grade of course, sold for 736 THOUSAND dollars in the main fish market in Tokyo. The winning bidder was, naturally, the president of a sushi company.
   If the math was right, that means a single slice of the bad boy would cost around 92 bucks. That's a sushi size slice. But our guy must have deep pockets, since he's selling it for roughly 5 bucks a slice. Kiyoshi Kimura paid the hefty price, because he didn't want to see the fish, which is scarce due, not surprisingly, to overfishing, go out of the country. About 75% of the world's bluefin catch ends up in Japan
   Kimura-san said he wanted to win the best tuna so that Japanese customers, not overseas, can enjoy it. Last year's prized tuna ended up in Hong Kong.
   Oh, well. Back to my tuna fish sandwich.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm As Mad As Hell!

   So what's got me royally pissed off today? Did Timmy's boost the price of a dozen maple glazed? Did my local Sev run out of my favorite fizzy drink? No. The good old catholic church has reared it's ugly head yet again. And it's not the usual story of a kiddie diddling priest. This involves 2 bishops, who have both since resigned.
   The first is in California, where a bishop had a secret family, including 2 teen age kids. Secret's out now. I just hope his local priest wasn't a pedophile. That'd be an interesting report he'd be making to head office. If he'd even bother to report it. By the way, this was in the same diocese that in 2007 paid out 660 MILLION in settlements in abuse cases that went back to the '40's.
   Think that's hard to top? Think again.
   A Canadian bishop got what amounts to a light slap in a different sex scandal. And we're not talking about a slap on his pee-pee with a steel ruler, although that's what he should've got. This amounts to a light slap on the wrist. This guy didn't have a secret family, and he wasn't abusing altar or choir boys. This piece of shit got caught at the Ottawa airport with hundreds of child pornography images on his hand-held device. The electronic type, not the skin one, although I'm sure he was hand holding that one while looking at the pics.
   He pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to 15 MONTHS in jail, plus 2 years probation and other conditions. But because of stupid laws in this country, he got double credit for time served, meaning no more jail time.
   You have got to be fucking kidding. An asshole like this..a member of the catholic fucking clergy..should have been given 15 YEARS in the pen. With NO credit for time served. He's offered to resign, but apparently the pope hasn't responded. Big surprise.
   I believe it's time both the useless church and society stopped being namby-pamby and actually deal effectively with the problem. Harsh jail time for ANY pedophile, and immediate excommunication for priests etc. Yeah. Like anything is going to change. The saddest part of all this is that this will not be the last time I'll be blogging about it.
   'Nuff said

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

No Surprise Here

   If you're like most of us, every day you trundle off to work for that hard earned dollar that never seems to stretch until your next paycheque. Well, this might piss you off a bit. In Canada, the top 10 CEO's made as much in the first 3 of 4 hours on the job today (the first back from the New Years break) than the majority of us make in an entire year.
   In Canada, that's roughly averaged out to 45 thousand a year. They made it before most of us sat down for our bagged lunch today. The CEO's average pay, using 2010 numbers, was almost 8.4 million. Before perks. That's 189 times what the rest of us make. 189 TIMES. Not that CEO's don't deserve a good wage. I mean, after all they have major corporations to run. But the 8.4 Mil also means they got a 27% pay rise from 2009. Most people don't get 2.7% a year, let alone 27%.
   In fact, regular Canadian's have seen their wages stagnate in the past few years.
   Makes me think the "occupy" idiots might actually be right. Naw, they're not. So for the rest of us, it's lottery tickets and dreaming of the big jackpot that never comes.
   Well, back to the salt mine!
   'Nuff said.

Monday, January 2, 2012

You Can't Blame Him For Trying.....Redux

   Seems a guy in North Carolina was in the local Wally's World and picked up a few items. Vacuum cleaner, microwave. Stuff like that. Total value about 475 bucks. Now, he's in trouble for it. Why? Was he shoplifting? No. Exactly the opposite. He wanted to pay. In fact, he pulled out a one million dollar bill to do just that. And that's when the cops were called because as you know, there is no such thing as a $1,000,000.00 bill.
   In the U.S, the largest bill now circulating is the $100.00. Just a few zero's off from what the guy was trying to pass. The largest bill ever circulated in the States was for $10,000.00..and they were pulled in 1969.
   So now the guy, who's 53, faces several charges and was released on a 17 thousand dollar bond. Still, he's got a pair for even trying to get away with it.
   And with the I.Q some, but a very slight minority, of Walmart's cashiers have, I'm kinda surprised they weren't running from till to till trying to get the guy his change.


   After re-reading this, I've decided I'm a little unfair to Walmart staff. In fact, the majority of idiots are on the OTHER side of the till, along with the guy in this story.
   In Canada, Walmart bought out a chain of stores called Woolco more than 15 years ago and converted them. Woolco stores were the main anchors of a lot of shopping centres, while new Walmart's are stand alone. So I was amused to hear in the check-out line one customer (in a NEW Walmart) ask where the mall entrance was. The cashier had a great sense of humour, and told this person it was right next to the Automotive department. I damn near burst my bladder trying to hold the laughter in.
   A different trip to a Wally's World brought this little gem. Someone in the check-out line tried to redeem Canadian Tire money (Google it yourself), saying the last Walmart took it.
   And if you haven't done so already, Google Walmartians to see what lurks in YOUR local Walmart!
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A 6 Letter Word

   No, it's not a Wheel of Fortune puzzle, and in fact just 5 letters make up the word. It's also one word students at a Michigan University say should be cut from the lexicon of the English language. It's also the word that polarized the 99% and the 1% this year. Yup! The word is "Occupy". The word also came to symbolize what many people feel about the generation known as "Millennial". That they have no work ethic, are lazy and expect everything to be handed them on a silver plate. The survey says it's overused, abused, cliched and should "occupy" a trash bin.
   But it's not the number one overused word of the year, which I find amazing! Actually, "Amazing" WAS the number 1 word. Participants said the word cropped up in every 'reality' show, and even newscasts at least 2 times every 5 minutes. what I find amazing (sorry) is that someone actually counted how often it was used.
   Other words or phrases the students say should be cut include "baby bump", describing a pregnant woman. And I couldn't agree more. "Mancave" was also on the list. Ironically, I'm sitting in mine as I keyboard this entry.
   And with this being an election year in the U.S, some are also calling for the removal of phrases expected to dominate news stories in the next 11 months. "Win for the future" and "Ginormus", a smushing together of Gigantic and Enormous just to name 2.
   While we're at it, I've got a few words I'd like to see go away, along with what they represent. They are: Gaga, Lohan, Beiber, and everyone's favorite..Kardashian!
   'Nuff said.