Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You Suck!

   I'm not sure what it's like where you live, but that's the finding of a new survey on Canadian federal politicians. Not surprisingly, the majority of respondents to a right-wing think tank poll had a not too favorable view of the people we elect to lead us.
   Some of the questions included our feeling toward politicians. 77% said either somewhat or very unfavorable. 58% feel politicians are unprincipled, 69% feel they're dishonest, 90% say they feel they are more concerned with money than the people the suppposedly represent. And the list goes on.
   And it doesn't seem to matter which party people were asked about. It's basically the same shit in a different pile.
   So, what do we do about it? The short answer is, aside from bitching about it, not very much. It's difficult, if not impossible, to re-call M.P's and hold then to account outside of an election. And when we DO go to the polls every 4 years or so, it's the same asshole running for the same party. And if that person is an incumbent, it's hard to knock them off.
   And it seems that people don't want to run for high elected office, so nothing is likely to change. At least not in the near future. And those that do get in, even if they are dedicated to makng a difference, are all too soon swallowed up in party politics, and fear the leader's wrath of they step out of line.
   There are a few Members of Parliament who ARE hard working, and DO try and represent their consituents. But they are few and far between.
   So, until we in Canada at least have a fundamental review of our system, it'll be the same old same old. And since the people who would do such a review are the ones we elect, nothing is going to change.
   'Nuff said.

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