Monday, March 26, 2012

How Low Can You Go

   If you're Hollywood director James Cameron, right to the bottom. Literally. He piloted a one man deep submersible down to the very depths of the deepest ocean. The Marianas Trench. How deep? How does 35,576 feet grab you! That's 7 miles. Straight down.
   Put another way, if you dropped the tallest mountain in the world..Mount Everest..into the trench, there would still be a mile of water over the peak. That's fucking deep. The trip down took 2 hours and 36 minutes, and Cameron spent 3 hours on the bottom. He'd been hoping for 6, but even still that eclipses the 20 minutes the ONLY OTHER 2 HUMANS TO GO THAT DEEP spent on the bottom. And that was 52 years ago in 1960! That means there have been 4 times as many men to walk on the moon than explore the Challenger Deep.
   Cameron teamed up with National Geographic for the trip to Davy Jones Locker, and a dangerous one it could have been. The pressure at that depth is the equivalent of 3 SUV 's resting on one of your toes. One little leak, or crack in a window and it would have been over instantly for him. He wouldn't even have had time to say "Oh, Shit!".
   Now, I'm not a big fan of Cameron's movies. Terminator was o-kay, Titanic was a titanic waste of my time. And as for Avatar..lets just say I got through about 10 minutes before turning off the DVD.
   And Cameron himself comes across as being a smug S.O.B, which I guess is a plus in Tinseltown. But I'll say this. Mr. Cameron, you've got balls to do that. Solo no less! And this is ONE movie of yours I'm looking forward to when National Geographic airs it. And if you ever build a 2-man sub, give me a call! I'd like to see the bottom of the sea myself. And I promise, I won't eat bean burritos before we go.
   'Nuff said.

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