Monday, March 19, 2012

Celebretards Again

   Yup! It's time to pay a visit to Tinsel Town to see what those wacky celebrities are up to!
   And we'll start with Lady KaKa, of Gag-me or whatever. Gaga I think. Apparently, she's taken a "vow of silence". Seems in an interview with Oprah that she said she's not going to talk to anyone for "a very long time".  "No press, no television, if my mom calls and says, ‘Did you hear about…’ I shut it all off.” Does that mean no singing either? Please?? And while we're at it, is they any way you can get that pig Oprah to Shut The Fuck Up? PLEASE!!!!!
   Moving on..Jessica Simpson's "baby bump". Bump? It looks like she stuffed an entire mountain up there. And she had the gall to wear..of all things..a snakeskin print outfit! Holy shit! It looked like a fucking python ate a dwarf! Jess..hurry up and calve already.
   And finally (and none too soon at that) Katy Perry. Seems she's getting her own character in an upcoming expansion pack for the Sims. Specifically, a Katy Perry-themed Collector's Edition of the game is now available for Windows PCs and Macs.
   That's one game I'm glad I don't play. Maybe we can get Gaga to get HER to Shut The Fuck Up as well!
    'Nuff said.

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