Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Box Office Flop

   I have yet to see the movie, and probably won't. None of the people I know are willing to see it either.
   Disney now admits it has a flop on their hands with the 250 million dollar "John Carter" fiasco. Not to mention the tens of millions hyping this flick. So far, the movie has brought in just 184 million worldwide, and Disney says they stand to lose 200 mil in this quarter on the pic.
   You've probably heard the plot of the Edgar Rice Burrows story. Former American Civil war hero John Carter is prospecting for gold in Arizona, and runs afoul of the Apaches. While hiding in a cave, he somehow is "transported" to Barsoom, which we know as Mars, where the lower gravity gives the erstwhile Carter almost superhuman strength.
   He goes on several adventures, yadda, yadda, yadda, meets the smoking hot Dejah Thoris (who becomes his "love interest") before mysteriously returning to Earth 9 years later. It's the stuff teen-age boys LOVE, or at least used to. Nearly naked women, swashbuckling heroes, an exotic setting. But it's not enough to save Disney from having an epic fail on their hands. It seems teenage boys would rather google pictures of real naked women. When they're not blasting aliens in some video game.
   And since there were a total of 10 novels in the Barsoom series, does that mean we can expect 9 more flops?
   I doubt it. Disney will have to put this Mickey Mouse effort behind them, and go back to what they do best. Animated shit for little kiddies.
   'Nuff said

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