Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kony 12

   You've no doubt heard about this. Probably you've seen the video. It's a viral campaign started by a group called "Invisible Children" to try and get Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony arrested and brought to justice.
   And there's no doubt Kony should be put down like the rabid dog he is. The guy's an asshole. Kidnapping children and forcing them to be fighters with his "Lords Resistance Army" is just one of the atrocities this guy's accused of.
   And now, there's a half hour video on the web from this "Invisible Children" group. They've been trying to raise awareness of Kony since 2004. The non-profit group now finds itself under attack for oversimplifying the situation in Uganda. Even people in that African nation say the focus is a little late, since some say Kony's already left the country, and his once powerful army is down to a few hundred followers. And they say the film also seems to ignore atrocities perpetrated by the Ugandan Army itself.
   Invisible Children also has faced questions about its governance in light of financial statements showing a large proportion of funds were used for travel and film production rather than charity work.
   Now, the sceptic in me has really come out about this whole campaign. I stand behind my statement calling for the son of a bitch Kony to be snuffed out. But even that could create a problem with some OTHER warlord stepping in an eventually making Kony look like a saint. Where my problem lies is with the director of the film Jason Russell's whole approach.
   I started watching the film, but I shut it off in the first few minutes because I thought his attitude was self serving. Look at me! I'm wonderful! I've started an internet campaign to have someone arrested! Of course, getting endorsements from "celebrities" like Oprah and others doesn't hurt. Shit, he's already had an offer to buy the film from a powerful producer, Harvey Weinstein. Russell couldn't be using this as a springboard to fame as a  Hollywood director..could he? Damn. I keep forgetting. Sarcasm does not translate well on a computer screen.
   What this whole thing about gearing up for a poster rally in April smells like to me is another "occupy" type thing that idiot Kalle Lasn started.
   This whole campaign has just got that creepy, self serving feel about it. And that's why I closed the video down after just a few minutes. The whole thing seems a little "off".
   'Nuff said.

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