Thursday, March 29, 2012

Benny And Fidel

   It sorta sounds like a comedy duo, doesn't it? But it's not. Two octogenarian dictators got together in Havana this week. One's a political dictator, the other religious. We're talking about the pope meeting former Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
   The 85 year old Castro asked the 84 year old Benny "what does a pope do anyway"? Benny replied "travel, my ministry and service to the church".
   One of these men has been accused of several crimes, including funding and exporting terrorism, murder, rape, and pillaging among others.
   Castro's certainly no saint either. O-kay, to be a little fair to Benny, he didn't actually go out and kill, rape or pillage, but the organization he now heads sure has. And at least Castro, to the best of my knowledge, hasn't turned a blind eye to people in his organization who abuse little kiddies. Or move them to another part of the world.
   Anyway, to all appearances the meeting was cordial as they talked about the world situation (no mention of any blockades), and the problems of mankind. Not that either of them had any solutions.
   There's no word if the pope invited Castro to Rome for a return visit, so I guess we'll have to wait for the 2nd installment of the Benny and Fidel comedy hour. If either live that long.
   'Nuff said.

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