Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Are You Sure This Will Make My Ass Look Bigger?..Part 2

   Yup! it's happened again. Someone giving illegal ass injections trying to boost the female posterior. But unlike the case I blogged about March 1st, this one is really nasty.
   Seems a Florida "woman", Oneal Ron Morris (a guy who was born a man but identifies female), was originally busted in November for injecting flat tire sealant, caulking, superglue and even cement (what a hard-ass) into 3 women's buttocks. And it's not the first time this has happened either.
   Not surprisingly, all 3 had 'medical complaints' and infections...DUHH!!
   Now Mr/Ms Oneal also faces charges because he/she wore a nurses uniform, gloves and a tag while giving the backside boosters.
   She/he is free on 85 hundred dollars bond, and his/her lawyer says his client maintains innocence.
   You just wonder that, if convicted. Oneal will get a different kind of hard cock in his/her ass in prison. He/she will, of there's any justice out there.

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