Thursday, March 15, 2012

Perfume For The Pope

   Yup! Benny's getting his own scent. And not your run of the mill cologne either. No, that's not good enough for the pope. Instead, he's getting his own, personalized pong, made by an Italian firm.
   The boutique maker says the stuff reflects Benny's "love of nature". And while not giving away any trade secrets, it supposedly includes "a hint of lime, and grass".
   Don't think you'll be able to purchase any of this, it's been made specially for the pope, and him only.
   And I guess with the stench of scandal and corruption hanging in the air of the vatican like stale communion wine in any diocese, it's just as well Benny get's something to remove him further from reality.
   The only thing not released was a name for this scent. But I've got a couple of suggestions. Parfum de Pedophile Priest, and L'Eau de Altar Boy might fit.
   'Nuff said.

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