Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Umm..If You Say This Is A Good Campaign Picture

   One of her hubcaps is missing! That's Danielle Smith, leader of what's called the Wildrose party in Alberta. There's an election campaign on in that province, and this is the bus they rolled out to start it. Do you see what I see? Yup! She's got tires for tits or tits for tires.
   This wasn't photo shopped by the other parties running in the campaign. This was the actual bus. Needless to say, this caused quite a kerfuffle in her party, not to mention a few titters among her rivals. This picture even got on Jay Leno's Tonight Show recently, showing any publicity is good publicity.
   To be fair, her picture was moved AHEAD of the wheels as soon as this made the rounds, but she's gonna have a hell of a time living that down. And I pity the poor fuckers who thought it was a good idea to just go ahead and have the bus done like that before they checked to make sure there were no boo-boos!
   I could go on making poor jokes, and while I don't want to come across as a big boob, or a huge tit, I've just got to wonder. Is her bra a re-tread?
   'Nuff said.

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