Monday, March 5, 2012

People Are Just Dying To Get On My Blog

   Or so it would seem. In addition to all the North American Darwin wannabes, comes a tale of self fulfilling prophecy from Sri Lanka. Today's hero wanted to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest time buried alive.
   And the 24 year old went to great lengths to try and get in as well. With the help of family and friends, he buried himself in a trench sealed with wood and earth. With the predictable result. He was buried about 9:30 Saturday morning, and wasn't dug up for almost 7 hours. When he was, he was rushed to hospital, but pronounced Dead On Arrival. No shit.
   Doctors say they were unsure how the man died. Really? I would've thought that would be clear immediately. Either suffocation or crushing injuries.
   What really hurts is that from what I've been able to find out there is no recognized category for the longest time buried alive. That doesn't mean there isn't, just that I couldn't find it.
   I wonder of they'll save money on his funeral and just re-plant him in his self made grave.
   'Nuff said.

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