Friday, March 2, 2012

Another Candidate

   2012 is the Chinese Year of the Dragon. It's also the year, according to the Mayan calendar, that the world will  come to an end. But 2012 may well also be the Year of the Darwin, because WE HAVE ANOTHER CONTENDER!! Yes, that's right. Someone else may have self selected himself out of the gene pool in a stupid, pointless way.
   We already have 3 people who were killed by trains they didn't hear 'cause they were listening to music on their headphones.
   Then there's the guy in Quebec killed while being dragged behind a minivan on a couch in a stupid, and to him fatal, game called "couch surfing".
   Today's tentative entry is for the equally idiotic "car surfing", where someone stands on the hood of a car while it's moving. Which sounds kinda cool. Until the driver hits the brake. Which is what happened to our guy. He was sent sliding off the hood of a Toyota and slammed onto the asphalt. Now, buddy's not least not yet..but he is in the trauma unit of a Toronto hospital with "life threatening head injuries". No shit.
   We've all had close calls..hell, I've had more than 1 myself..but to put yourself in a position where death may be not just one, but the only option?? What the fuck?
   It makes me wonder if he wasn't brain dead before he tried this stunt.
   'Nuff said.

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