Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Darwin That Got Away

   A Michigan woman did have a close call for a Darwin Award the other day, taking a long walk of a short pier. Really! Bonnie Miller was walking on the pier with hubby and son, and found out that last step was a lulu!
   She fell in to a channel that feeds Lake Michigan. Her husband and a passerby jumped in when they saw she was having difficulty swimming in the chilly water, while her son helped get her to a ladder. Police, fire and Coast Guard also rolled to the 9-1-1 call and helped out.
   Did I mention she was TEXTING at the time and didn't see the end of the pier was near? We've already had one case where someone was texting while listening to music and didn't hear the train that got him. And there have been plenty of incidents where texting while driving has lead to tragedy. This woman managed to avoid it, but says she's learned a lesson.
   No shit!
  'Nuff said.

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