Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Waiting For The Mothership

   That's what a 20 thousand member strong cult is doing in France. More specifically, in a village near the Pic de Bugarach. That's a so-called "upside down" mountain where, for some unknown geological reason, rock samples taken from its peak are actually older than points measured at lower elevations. Scientists say that is because when the 4 thousand foot mountain erupted, its peak flipped upside down before crashing back down upon the mountain's base.
   Well, this cult, called Esoterics, seems to think the mountain is home to "aliens" who will "rescue" them before the world comes to an end December 21st 2012, and transport them to a new civilization. December 21, 2012, by the way, is the date some people interpret the Mayan calendar ALSO predicts the end of the world.
   And now, with "believers" saturating the town, the French government is concerned about the possibility of mass suicides as that date draws closer.
   Oh, my fucking god! If people are that fucking stupid (and they apparently ARE..look at the Solar Temple cult as an example), then maybe the French should do nothing, and let our friend Darwin have his rule and thin that particular herd before they start breeding.
   It'll be fun to see what the survivors, if any, have to say on December 22nd!.
   So, to the "Esoterics", good luck! All I can say is remember Harold Camping and how he got it wrong.....4 TIMES!
   Any maybe think about poking a few holes in those tinfoil hats to let some oxygen in.
   'Nuff said.

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