Friday, March 16, 2012

Kony 12..UPDATE

   So, it seems the director of Kony 2012 (see my entry from March 10) has been arrested. Yup! Jason Russell was busted in San Diego and sent to a Pysch ward after..get ready for it..(allgedly) getting stoned, and then naked in the street.
   Seems he was "under the influence" of something when he ran into the street in a Speedo, then pulled off the Speedo and supposedly started stroking the salami! Well, to quote the report I saw, he made "sexual gestures".
   A statement from his "Invisible Children" group says he's been "suffering from exhaustion, dehydration, and malnutrition". Bullshit. He's probably "suffering" from partying too hard with Hollywood "celebs" after his new-found fame.
   A release from the "charity's" CEO goes on to say "the past two weeks have taken a severe emotional toll on all of us, Jason especially, and that toll manifested itself in an unfortunate incident". Can anyone say major damage control? Maybe spinning this a little to try and lessen the potential impact?
   O-kay, maybe I'm being a little harsh.........Maybe not.
   I said back in my original post that I thought the video (what I managed to watch anyway) was self-serving, and I stand by that comment. This incident simply re-inforces my view, especially since he's had an offer to SELL the video to some lord high mucky-muck producer.
   Hope you enjoyed your 2 weeks of fame Jason! Most of us don't even get the 15 minutes. And as for your campaign to get Kony..well, the jury's out on that.
   'Nuff said.

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